View the agreement messages from the sender


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View the agreement messages configured by the sender for you.

View the agreement's messages for the recipient

The sender's messages for the recipient are found on the initial, just under the Review and sign link:

"Review and sign" email highlighting the Message and Private Message.


Not all agreements have Private Messages.

View the agreement's messages for the recipient on the e-sign page

After opening the agreement, a recipient can review the messages provided by the sender directly on the e-sign page.

  1. Open the agreement by selecting the Review and sign link in your email notification.

    The "Review and sign" email with the link highlighted.

  2. Accept the Terms of Use and Consumer Disclosure as prompted.
    Depending on how the sending account is configured, the Terms of Use and Consumer Disclosure can be presented in different ways, all of which are conspicuous in the interface to direct the recipient through the process.

  3. Select the Messages icon on the top-right rail of options.

    The global message is displayed at the top, and the private message is displayed at the bottom of the pop-out panel.

    the e-sign page highlighting the Message icon and exposing the Message and Private Message.

  4. Select the Message icon or the X to close the message panel.

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