Change your email or name in Acrobat Sign


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To change your email or name (for non-Federated IDs), log in to and select Account and Security > Account > Account information and access

How to change the email address associated with your Adobe account (Adobe ID)

User details for Federated ID or Enterprise ID users can be changed using the Admin ConsoleAzure SyncGoogle SyncUser Sync tool, or the User Management API. The changes take effect immediately; however, the user is not notified. If you change a user's email address, inform the user to use the new email address to log in to the Adobe enterprise account.

For Federated ID type users, changes in the email address affect the user login only if email addresses have been used as the identifier in the SAML handoff between Adobe and the Identity Provider of the organization. If your organization uses email addresses in the handoff, the change must be done simultaneously on both sides, or users will be unable to log in to their enterprise accounts.

Users that haven't migrated to the Adobe Admin Console, and are still managing their users in the legacy Acrobat Sign environment can review the email change process on the legacy page.

  1. Log into your account at

  2. Navigate to Account and security >Account and scroll down to the Account information and access section.

  3. Select Change next to Primary email.

    An overlay opens to capture the new email value.

    The account information section with the Chage button highlighted

  4. Update the email address to the new value and select Change.

    The email update overlay with the new email value added

  5. An email will be sent to the new address to verify the change.

How to change the Name associated with your Adobe account (Adobe ID)

To change the Name value associated with your Adobe account:

  1. Log into your account at

  2. Navigate to Account and security >Account and scroll down to the Account information and access section.

  3. Select Change next to Account name.

    An overlay opens to capture the new name value.

    The account information section with the Chage button highlighted

  4. Update the account name to the new value and select Save.

    The email update overlay with the new email value added

How to change the email address and name associated with a Federated ID or Enterprise ID user

User details for Federated ID or Enterprise ID type users can be changed using the Admin Console, Azure Sync, Google Sync, User Sync tool, or the User Management API. The changes take effect immediately; however, the user is not notified. If you change the email address for a user, inform the user to use the new email address to log in to the Adobe enterprise account.

For Federated ID type users, changes in the email address affect the user login only if email addresses have been used as the identifier in the SAML handoff between Adobe and the Identity Provider of the organization. If your organization uses email addresses in the handoff, the change must be done simultaneously on both sides, or users will be unable to log in to their enterprise accounts.

To change the user details, log into Admin Console. Go to the Users page and find the user. Select the name of the user. Select the ellipsis next to User details and select Edit User details. In the Edit user details dialog box, you can change the email address and name of the user. Please click Save once the information is updated.

  1. Log in to the Admin Console as an account administrator.

  2. Select the Users tab.

  3. Search for the user and select the linked name.

    Change Email

  4. Select the ellipsis in the User details header and then select Edit user details from the pop-out menu.

    Change Email

  5. Edit the name and email as needed.

    Select Save when done.

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