Files attached to email will be named as


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Customers that enable the Attach a PDF copy of the signed document in emails sent to option can control how the attached document is named.

File names can be retained, showing the same file name as the original uploaded document or aligned to the agreement name with an incrementing number to differentiate the files.

The way in which the returned files are named may be particularly critical if the Merge multiple documents into one document after signing feature has been configured to keep the files separated.

An image of the final email with several attachments
When separating the files, consider if retaining the file names is preferable to aligning the file names to the agreement name.



Defining the file names is available for team and enterprise license plans.

Configuration scope:

The feature can be enabled at the account and group levels.

The controls for this feature can be assessed by navigating to Global Settings > Files attached to email will be named as

The Global Settings tab with the file naming controls highlighted

The configurable options are:

  • Agreement Name:
    • When all files are merged - One file that is named per the agreement name. e.g., Service Contract 2023
    • When files are separated - One file is attached per uploaded file. Each file uses the agreement name with an appended enumerator. e.g., Service Contract 2023 (part 1), Service Contract 2023 (part 2), Service Contract 2023 (part 3)
  • File Name
    • When all files are merged - If a single file is uploaded, the email attachment retains the original file name. If multiple files are uploaded, the email attachment is named 'multidoc'.
    • When files are separated - One file is attached per uploaded file. Each attachment retains the original file name regardless of the source (template, uploaded agreement document, transient document, recipient attachment).
  • Hybrid 
    • When all files are merged - One file that is named per the agreement name.
    • When files are separated - One file is attached per uploaded file, with each attachment retaining the original file name.

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