Allow various recipient roles


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Recipient roles when sending documents

Adobe Acrobat Sign for business and enterprise service levels have the option to expand the roles for Agreement recipients beyond just the Signer to better match their workflow requirements. The current roles that can be enabled are:

  • Signer (always enabled for all customers)
  • Approver (small business, business, and enterprise only)
  • Acceptor (enterprise only)
  • Certified Recipient (enterprise only)
  • Form Filler (small business, business, and enterprise only)
  • Delegator (enterprise only)
  • Electronic Seals (enterprise only)

When enabled, each recipient in an Agreement will have their role individually configurable, with Signer being the default.

To enable/disable Role options, login as an Account Administrator and navigate to: Account Settings > Send Settings > Allowed Recipient Roles

Allowed roles

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