Send page overview


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This article describes the new Request signatures experience accessed on the Send page. (Released in November 2023)

Review the elements of the Send page, taking note of all features that are exposed in the interface while composing an agreement.


The Send page presents a procedural experience where the user is taken through the composition process step-by-step. The configured agreement described in this article is the most commonly executed workflow, containing one recipient and one document.

The optional features are briefly described as they are exposed, with links to dedicated pages that explore those features in depth.

Compose an agreement

Step one

Composing a new agreement starts with selecting the Send tab in the top navigation bar and picking a file to form the content base of the agreement.

On this page, there are two interactive elements that produce an overlay:

A. The group selector - This drop-down is enabled for accounts that have Users in Multiple Groups enabled. Otherwise, the drop-down is greyed out and inaccessible.
The group selector allows a user to select the group the agreement will be sent from. Only groups the user is a member of are populated into the drop-down.
Changing the group refreshes the agreement process, discarding any configurations, so it's best to select the group first. The option to change the group remains active throughout the agreement configuration process.

B. The Choose files link - This is just a link to open the file picker overlay. You cannot drag and drop files into this field. Select the link!

C. The file picker overlay - The file picker allows the user to select files either from their computer or from the library templates under the authority of the group selected.
Selecting a file from the local system immediately advanced the process to the next step.
Templates offer the option of using a filter for recent templates or reviewing the entire template library. When using templates, multiple templates can be selected. 


The Switch to classic experience link is only visible in multi-license accounts, and only then if the admin has enabled the option

The group selector page with an inset of the file picker overlay

Step two: 

After selecting the files, the page automatically refreshes to show the configurable elements with the selected files imported.

There are three Agreement details and four Agreement settings you can manipulate.

Agreement details - These elements include the files used in the agreement and the information used to configure the email sent to the recipients.

D. Choose more files - This link allows the user to add more files to the agreement. Note that the final document is a combined PDF of all files concatenated in the order they are displayed in the files field. Files can be click-dragged to rearrange them.

E. Agreement name - By default, the Agreement name field adopts the name of the first file uploaded. The field can be edited to any value the sender requires.
The agreement name is inserted into the subject line of the email delivered to customers and is one of the prominent values displayed on the Manage page.

F. Message - The Message value is inserted into the body of the email delivered to the recipients. 

Agreement settings - These settings are optional elements that support the signature process.

G. Completion deadline - The displayed date identifies when the agreement automatically cancels. This value can be turned off so the agreement never auto-cancels, enabled as a default value, configured manually when composing the agreement, and modified after the agreement is sent on the Manage page.

H. Reminder frequency - Reminder frequency can be suppressed, never sending agreement, configured with a default iteration at the group level, manually configured when composing the agreement, and deleted or expanded on the Manage page after the agreement is sent.

I. Password - This password is applied to the final signed PDF. The password can be configured to be required during the composition of the agreement or removed from the options at the group level. Note that this password is not stored in the Acrobat Sign system. Users must retain knowledge of the password through their internal process.

J. Language - This value defines what localization is applied to the email template delivered to the recipient. Note that only the template content provided by the Acrobat Sign system is localized. The Agreement nameMessage value, and content of the attached files are not translated. The default value can be configured at the group level and adjusted when composing a new agreement.

The second page of the Send process highlighting the agreement details and setting options.

Once the agreement is configured, select the Add recipients button to advance the process.


Step three:

Selecting the Add recipients button refreshes the page to include the recipient section.

Each row identifies one recipient in the signature process, and each recipient is configured as a unique entity for their particular action. It does not matter if the same email address is used multiple times; the configuration for the recipient can be different, and that configuration is applied during that step of the signature cycle.
For example, if five recipients are configured, and the first, third, and fifth recipients use the same email address, each of those recipients can be configured with different roles and authentication methods, which will be enforced as the agreement enters the first, third, and fifth step of the signature cycle.

There are three distinct functions in the recipient section:

The flow of the signature cycle:

K. Recipient signature order - When this box is checked, the recipients must sign in a sequential order. Each recipient is notified only when it's their turn to access the agreement, and the agreement is completed when the last recipient completes their action.
If the box is unchecked, a parallel signature cycle is used. All recipients are notified at the same time, and the agreement is completed once all recipients have completed their action.

The recipient configuration:

L. Signing index - This number is only visible when a sequential signature cycle is selected. The number indicates the order in which the recipients will access the agreement. Recipients can be re-ordered by selecting the up or down arrows next to the index number.

M. Role - The role of a recipient has some impact on how a recipient can interact with the agreement but mainly impacts how logging in the system displays what the recipient was expected to do (Signer, Approver, Form Filler, etc.) Roles can not be changed after the agreement is sent.

N. Email address - The email address is the key bit of data to deliver the agreement to the recipient. A personal address book retains the email addresses from previously sent agreements, and a list of matching email options will populate once the sender starts typing in the field. Entering the wrong email address can be overcome by modifying the recipient on the Manage page.

O. Authentication method - A default value for the recipient authentication method is imported from the group settings and may be editable during composition if the group settings allow. Only authentication methods that are enabled for the group are populated in the drop-down. Authentication methods can be edited on the Manage page.

P. Private message - Only visible if Private messages are enabled. A private message is added to the email body for that individual recipient and is optionally available to them in the e-signing environment.

Q. Delete recipient record - Selecting the delete icon deletes the recipient record and collapses the remaining recipients, re-ordering the signing index.

Added participants that aren't involved in the signature cycle:

R. Add CC - Selecting the Add CC link opens an input field to add as many as 11 email addresses that are notified once the agreement is completed.

Selecting the plus icon adds another recipient if needed.

Step three of the send process showing the configurable options of the recipient section

Once all recipients have been added and configured, the sender has the option to send the agreement immediately or preview the agreement in the authoring environment. The in-application authoring environment allows for fields to be placed through a click-and-place method. It's generally recommended to place at least one signature field for each of the recipients with a signer role. 

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