Configure access to Send in Bulk


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Send in Bulk allows users to create a "parent" template agreement to generate up to 1,000 "child" agreements. Each child agreement uses the same files, fields, and properties of the parent template agreement but remains independent with all of the privacy and security of an individually created agreement.

Send in Bulk allows recipients to be entered manually or by using a CSV file to upload a list of recipient emails. The CSV file provides the sender with additional functionality, such as multiple recipient support, role assignments, authentication options, and default field values that can personalize the individual agreements when they are created.

How it's used

Users with the Send in Bulk feature enabled in their primary group can access the feature on the Home page through the Send in Bulk tile.

The interface allows the upload of files to define the base documentation of the parent template agreement. All documents are included in every child agreement created in the Send in Bulk batch.

Recipient email addresses are added either manually or using a CSV file. When manually entered, each email receives its own independently generated child agreement. When a CSV is used, each row in the CSV is applied to a child agreement. In all cases, individual recipients have no visibility into the other agreements. Each agreement is secure and personal.

Each child agreement can be managed independently on the Manage page using the In Progress/Complete/Canceled/Expired filters.

The parent Send in Bulk template used to generate the child agreements can be managed on the Manage page in the Bulk Sends filter. The parent template has three notable features:

Best practices

Consider how Send in Bulk is to be used in your organization. If you don't expect all individual users to generate bulk agreement events, disabling access at the account level is best so all groups naturally inherit the feature as disabled. Explicitly enable particular groups with an identifiable use (e.g., Human Resources), or, if you can assign users to multiple groups, create a group specifically for the Send in Bulk users to serve as their primary group.  

Enabling the CSV file import improves the usability of the feature immensely. Unless you have a compelling reason to enter all users manually, enabling CSV file upload is strongly recommended.

Enable the new Send in Bulk experience. The CSV files used in the classic environment still work, so there's no reconfiguration required, and the new options expand the use of the feature dramatically.



Send in Bulk is available for team and enterprise license plans.

Configuration scope:

Team tier accounts have Send in Bulk enabled by default with the CSV upload option enabled. No controls are available in the admin interface.

Send in Bulk can be enabled at the account and group levels for enterprise-licensed accounts.

The controls for this feature can be assessed by navigating to Global Settings > Send in Bulk

The Admin settings interfacce with teh Send in Bulk controls highlighted

The configurable options are:

Things to know

  • For a user to have access to the Send in Bulk interface, the feature must be enabled in the user's Primary Group.
  • The number of transactions that can be generated using the Send in Bulk feature is limited based on the tier of service:
    • Enterprise and business-tier customers can generate up to 1,000 transactions.
    • Acrobat Pro with advanced e‑sign for teams and Adobe Acrobat Sign Professional customers can generate up to 50 transactions.
    • Acrobat Pro with advanced e‑sign can generate up to 50 transactions.
    • Small business/Team trials can generate up to five transactions.
    • Enterprise trials can generate up to three transactions.

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