Cancel an agreement's emailed reminder


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How to cancel an agreement's reminder from the perspective of the recipient.


An agreement configured with multi-day reminders will continue to send reminders (per the configured schedule) by email until:

  • The recipient completes their action for the agreement.
  • The reminder expires naturally.
    • Daily reminders expire after ten days.
    • All other cyclic reminders expire after 60 days.
  • The sender or the recipient cancels the reminder.
    • Any individual recipient canceling their reminder does not impact the other reminders configured for other recipients.

How a recipient can cancel a reminder

Select the Click here link in the email text and cancel the current reminder for the agreement.

The "Reminder" email with the link to cancel the reminder highlighted.


It is possible for the sender to configure a new reminder which would then need to be canceled. 

If you do not want to sign the agreement, consider declining the agreement.

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