E-sign page magnification and navigation


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Move directly to a selected page number and adjust the agreement's page magnification.

E-Sign page navigation and zoom level

Recipients can directly control the page being displayed in their browser, and the magnification (zoom) level to improve readability.

  1. Open the agreement by selecting the Review and sign link in your email notification.

    The "Review and sign" email with the link highlighted.

  2. Accept the Terms of Use and Consumer Disclosure as prompted.
    Depending on how the sending account is configured, the Terms of Use and Consumer Disclosure can be presented in different ways, all of which are conspicuous in the interface to direct the recipient through the process.

  3. At the bottom of the browser window, you'll find:

    The page selector controls, which consist of an up and a down arrow, as well as a pair of numbers separated by a forward slash. 

    • The arrows step the agreement up or down by one page each time an arrow is selected. 
    • Selecting the up arrow advances the agreement one page toward the beginning of the agreement. e.g., If your window is displaying page 3, selecting the up arrow will move the display to page 2.
    • Selecting the down arrow advances the agreement one page toward the end of the agreement. e.g., If your window is displaying page 3, selecting the down arrow will move the display to page 4.

    The current/total page identification is represented by the two numbers. The first number represents the page of the agreement currently displayed, and the second number (after the forward slash) is the total number of pages in the agreement.

    • Click into the first number area to manually set the displayed page to any number equal to or less than the total number of pages in the agreement.
    The e-sign page highlighting the page navigation controls at the bottom of the page.

    Page magnification is controlled by the minus (-) and plus (+) symbols to the right of the page navigation controls.

    • Select the minus icon to make the font smaller and the plus icon to make the font larger.
    The e-sign page highlighting the page magnification controls at the bottom of the page.

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