In-Context Actions for Power Automate on the Manage Page


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Context-based Actions on the Manage page to automate workflows

Accounts that have the Power Automate integration controls enabled will display context-relevant actions for In progress and Completed agreements on the Manage page.

This is true regardless of whether you have gone through the steps to enable the integration. By having the control checked, the actions are exposed.

Two images, one of the Power Automate controls with the first control enabled, the second is the Manage page with the Power Automate links highlighted.

When Power Automate is explicitly disabled for the account

If Power Automate is explicitly disabled for the account, non-admin users will not see the Power Automate actions on the Manage page.

Power Automate


Administrators will see the actions in all cases.

In progress agreements

There are two actions available for the In progress agreements on the Manage page. The actions are exposed when you:

  • Hover over the ellipsis next to the In progress agreement filter, and the Automate notifications action is exposed. 
    • This action is applied to all agreements currently on the Manage page in the In progress status.
    • The flow is only applied to the existing agreements and is persistent until each agreement reaches a terminal status (completed, canceled, declined, or expired).
  • Select an individual agreement to open the Actions context panel to the right. The Actions panel contains the Set-up Notification action. 
    • This action facilitates creating a notification flow for up to 20 agreements with the In progress status. Select the agreements to include by checking the box next to the agreement before selecting the action in the right-hand panel and configuring the flow.
    • The flow is tied to the individual agreement and does not apply to any other agreement. Other agreements can enable their own agreement-specific flows.

Including the same agreement in multiple notification flows will cause the user to get multiple notifications.

The Manage page highlighting the In Progress links for the Power Automate gallery

Selecting either action refreshes the right-hand panel to show a list of flow templates that the user can use out-of-the-box, or as a base to design their own custom flow.

The manage page with the Automate notifications action highlighted, and the right hand panel showing the suggested flows to choose from.

Completed agreements

There are two actions available for the Completed agreements on the Manage page. The actions are exposed when you:

  • Hover over the ellipsis next to the Completed agreement filter, and the Automate archival action is exposed. 
    • This action facilitates creating a flow to archive all agreements as they update their status to "Completed".
      • This flow is not applied to agreements already in a Completed status when the flow is created. Only newly completed agreements trigger the flow.
    • The flow is persistent and will continue to work as designed until the flow is stopped.
  • Select an individual agreement to open the Actions context panel to the right. The Actions panel contains the Archive Agreement action. 
    • This action triggers an archival flow for up to 20 selected agreements with the Completed status. Select the agreements to include by checking the box next to the agreement before selecting the action in the right-hand panel and configuring the flow.
    • The flow is triggered only for the selected agreement and does not apply to any other agreement.
The Manage page highlighting the Completed links for the Power Automate gallery

Selecting either action refreshes the right-hand panel to show a list of flow templates that the user can use out-of-the-box, or as a base to design their own custom flow.

The manage page with the Automate archival action highlighted, and the right hand panel showing the suggested flows to choose from.

Configure the flow

After selecting a flow, you must perform a minimal amount of configuration to provide your custom values (e.g., the flow name, your target email address, and so on) and ensure the flow can successfully execute the process.

  1. Provide a meaningful flow name so you can identify it later.

  2. Ensure that you have provided the authentication credentials for each service included in the flow.  
    Each service that requires authentication is listed, and when properly configured, will display a green check next to it.

    If the service is not yet authenticated, select the Permissions link under the service name and enter the required information.

    The Manage page with the right-hand panel displaying the authentication objects for the selected flow.

  3. Select Next at the bottom of the right-hand panel to advance the configuration.

  4. Provide any additional email that is requested. This information may vary depending on the flow you select.

  5. Select Create flow when done.

    The right-hand panel displaying the input fields for the flow.

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