Allow signers to print, place written signatures and upload the agreem


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Allowing recipients to convert the signature flow to a written signature style is generally a good idea if you depend on a fast signature process and you have some latitude in the signature style applied to your document.

Signers that aren't comfortable with electronic signatures can place a physical signature, and the process moves ahead, instead of having another meeting to allay any fears about what an electronic signature is.

How it's used

When enabled, the recipient has the option to print the agreement through the Options menu on the e-signature page.

The recipient then physically signs the document and then digitizes it and uploads it back into the Acrobat Sign system.

Best practices

Allowing a recipient to convert their signature process into a written one is best done when agreements are only sent to one recipient, and your internal signature demands are not strongly demanding an electronic signature.

Best use cases are high-volume sales that are delivered to recipients in a more business-to-customer format where resistance to electronic signatures is more likely.



The option to allow recipients to convert the signature flow to a written flow is available for all license plans.

Configuration scope:

The feature can be enabled at the account and group levels.

The controls for this feature can be assessed by navigating to Signature Preferences > Additional Setings > Allowing recipients to convert the signature flow to a written signature style is generally a good idea if you depend on a fast signature process and you have no demand for an electronic signature.


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