Setting form field show/hide conditions


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Field conditions

You can set up conditions to allow various fields to interact with each other.

A condition allows you to either Show or Hide that field when the condition values are met. This condition can be a single event (check a single check box for example). Or, it can be a string of events that all (or any) must happen to successfully meet the condition. (For example, check a box, apply a signature, and select a specific radio button.)

To set a condition on a field in the drag-and-drop editing environment, right-click the field and select Edit, or double-click the field. The properties window opens for that field. Click Conditions to expand that section.



You must have at least two fields on the document for the Conditions setting to become available.

Set what the field should do

The first options set up what the conditional does to this field.


This option sets whether this field is shown, hidden, or disabled when the condition is met.

Show: The field is hidden by default, and then revealed when the condition is met.

Hide: The field is shown by default, and then hidden when the condition is met.

Enable: The field is hidden until the condition exposes the field as editable by the recipient

Disable: The field is available until the condition disables the field from the recipient, preventing interaction. The field is still visible in its disabled state.


This option sets which conditions must be met to trigger the action.

Any: Any one of the conditions you create can trigger the action.

All: All of the conditions you create must be completed to trigger the action.


After you click Add Condition, a list of options appears to set up a trigger.

The first option is the field that you want to use for the trigger. Each field type has a different set of states that the trigger can check against.

The next pop-up menu is the operator for the trigger. It is an operator as in a mathematical equation. For example, if you're setting up a trigger for a checkbox, the options are is and isn't, since there are only two states of a checkbox (selected and deselected). Text fields allow for a larger range of operators to assess equivalence, relative values, and sections of text.

The last field is to set the value to trigger the condition. In case of checkboxes this will be checked or unchecked.

Text fields allow for a value to be validated by the expression.

Setting up multiple triggers

You can set multiple triggers for one field, to facilitate the Any or All options for the Condition. Once one condition is in place, another blank condition is added.

Removing and copying conditions

To remove all conditions use the Clear all option.

Copy All, will copy all conditions on the field. With the conditions copied they can be pasted on the same or other fields within the agreement.


Pasting all conditions

Once conditions are copied a Paste button is made available on all fields which support conditions. if a field has not got any conditions set, all conditions will be pasted on the field.

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