Create a new data export


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Creating Exports

Data exports allow for the data mining of completed agreements without having to sift through columns of data that aren't meaningful to your needs at the moment.

This is where applying a useful Name value to your fields pays off.

To create a new data export:

  1. Click New Export

  2. Select the data export type.

    Data Export Type

  3. Define your filters:

    • Select a date range for the export (evaluated based on the Last Modified date of the agreement).
    • Optionally add one or more workstream filters to limit the data set to only targeted agreements.
      • If no filters are selected, all agreement data within the selected date range are returned.
  4. When the filter is properly configured, click Select columns in the upper-right corner of the window

    Data export configuration page with date selcter and workflow filer expanded

  5. Select the fields that you want to export to the CSV

    • Each field selected is a column on the table
    • Each row of the table represents one recipient record
      • Agreements with multiple recipients may have multiple rows, so including a unique identifier like Agreement Id can help keep multiple recipients grouped together.

    The available fields are listed under four categories:

    Select fields

    To add fields to your exported dataset:

    • Select a category and single-click a field to select it
    • Click the Add link at the top of the column (or the arrow pointing to the right) to add the field to the list of returned values
      • If you need to remove a field from the returned dataset, select it with a single click and then click the Remove link at the top of the column (or click the left pointing arrow)

    The option to Select All fields is available in both columns, and selects all of the available fields in the column to move as needed.

  6. When the field-level data to export is defined, click Save.

  7. Provide a File name for the data export and click Save.

    This file name is what is used to identify the export on your Exports filter page.

    Name the export for your filter list

  8. The page refreshes to the Exports filter with the new data export at the top.

    The status column will indicate the export is building for some amount of time. If the dataset is quite large, this could take a few seconds.

    The export list highlighting the newly created report record

  9. Once the export status converts to Ready, mouse over the export record, and select the Download icon (Or select Download from the actions menu).

    The data exports list with the Download icon and action highlighted for one export

  10. Provide a File name for the downloaded CSV.

    This is the actual name of the file after it is downloaded.

    Provided a downloaded file name

  11. Click Download

    A success message displays and the CSV is downloaded to your local system.

    browser window showing the downloaded .csv file in the footer

  12. The downloaded CSV is named as defined, containing the fields selected:

    An example CSV file with the file name highlighted

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