Stand-alone timestamp certificates for electronic signatures


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If your company has regulatory compliance needs to capture a timestamp, but you do not require the use of digital signature certificates, then enabling the stand-alone timestamp may be the option for you!

Customers who require a cryptographic timestamp in their agreements but do not want or cannot use digital signatures have the option to associate a timestamp with the Certification Seal that is applied to all agreements generated in Acrobat Sign.

This allows compliance with some regulatory and industry requirements like Japan's Electronic Books Maintenance Act.


  • Acrobat Standard and Acrobat Pro: Not Supported
  • Acrobat Sign Solutions: Supported; Suppressed from the UI by default
  • Acrobat Sign for Government: Supported; Suppressed from the UI by default

Configuration scope:

Contact the Acrobat Support team to expose the option in your menu. Once exposed, the feature can be enabled at the account and group levels.

Stand Alone Timestamp

How it's used

Once the feature is enabled for the account (or group), no further action is required by the admin or the sender. 

The cryptographic timestamp will be associated automatically to the certification seal for all agreements until the feature is disabled.


Once Support has configured the settings on the backend, you will be notified.

At that time:

  1. Navigate to Security Settings > Timestamp.

  2. Enable the Apply a timestamp to certification seals for agreements containing only e-signatures, and their audit reports checkbox.

  3. Save the page configuration.

    TheSecurity Settings admin menu highlighting the Timestamp controls.

Things to know

Associating a cryptographic timestamp to the certification seal generates a small, but perceptible, increase in file size and processing time.

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