Download the aggregate field data from a template or web form


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Agreements that collect field data from recipients can export that data in a .csv file format using an action on the Manage page.

Library Templates and Web Forms (collectively referred to as templates) are (parent) templates that generate individual (child) agreements. As such, they collect the field-level data for every agreement that is spawned from the template.

Access to the field-level data is limited to the owner of the agreement and the owner of the template (regardless as to if they are the same user).


Downloading field-level data in this manner is a tactical solution.

More comprehensive reports can be generated on the Reports tab.

Library Template / Web Form data export

When accessing the field data of templates, keep in mind that:

  • Templates always show the data download option, even if the template has no data fields applied
  • Shared templates do not permit access to the download option on the Manage page
  1. Authenticate to Acrobat Sign

  2. Navigate to the Manage page

  3. Select Templates (or Web Forms)

  4. Select (single-click) the template

    • The right rail opens to expose the actions  
  5. Click the Download Form Field Data action:

    Export template data - modern UI

The output csv file contains:

  • Agreement data:
    • Agreement name - The name the agreement was sent under (potentially different than the template name)
    • Completed - The time/date stamp of when the agreement was completed
    • AgreementID - The unique agreement identification number
  • Recipient data:
    • Email - The email address of the acting recipient
    • Role - the recipient's role
    • First - The first name (filled when known)
    • Last - The last name (filled when known)
    • Title - The title associated to the recipient (filled either via field value or active account)
    • Company - The company value of the recipient (filled either via field value or active account)
  • (Optional) Custom field data - All of the data fields that the template authors add to the document are listed in the section after the recipient data
Template output

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