Document link expiration


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To safeguard the privacy of recipients and facilitate the security of document content, the lifespan of publicly accessible URLs (provided to recipients via email) must have a finite life span. 

However, work processes can have very different tolerances for how long that lifespan should be.

For this reason, Adobe Acrobat Sign administrators can configure, at the account level, how many days a public URL should remain viable after it is generated.

Recipients that trigger an expired URL will be prompted with an option to have a new URL sent to the email address of the current recipient. Redirection to a new email is not allowed through this action.

Expired link messages


New link requests are throttled at ten requests (per recipient) in a 60-minute rolling window.

An attempt to request additional new links after ten have been requested within the 60-minute window disables the Send new link button and prompts an error. The recipient then must wait for 60-minutes after their first request to try again.

The throttle is applied per recipient. In a parallel signature flow, each recipient has the authority to request up to ten new links within their respective 60-minute windows.

Configuration Options

The default expiration timespan is seven days.

Enterprise and business tier accounts have the option to adjust the expiration time to any value between one and 90 days.

The controls to adjust the lifespan can be found on the Security Settings tab at the account level.  (Link expirations cannot be edited at the group level.)

Controls to configure the expiration time for public URLs


This setting only applies to the URL delivered in the Acrobat Sign email notification.

The agreement itself is not impacted in any way.

Audit Report and Activity log entries

Each time a recipient requests a new document after a link has expired, a record of that request is entered into the audit report and Activity log:

Request for new link in the Activity list

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