Open a view to read the agreement


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Open a view of the agreement with no fields or interactive elements to read the document.

Overview of the Read agreement option

Recipients can open a non-interactive view of the agreement document in their browser tab to facilitate reading the full document before adding content to fields and signatures.

Opening the read-only version may prompt the recipient to re-authenticate.


The option to Read agreement is a configurable element of the sending account and may not be present in the Options menu.
If Read agreement isn't present, check to see if Download PDF is available.

How to open a read-only view of the agreement

  1. Select the Review and sign link from the initial notification email to open the e-sign page.

    The "Review and sign" email with the link highlighted.

  2. Accept the Terms of Use and Consumer Disclosure as prompted.
    Depending on how the sending account is configured, the Terms of Use and Consumer Disclosure can be presented in different ways, all of which are conspicuous in the interface to direct the recipient through the process.

  3. Select the Options menu in the upper-left corner of the e-sign page.

  4. Select the Read agreement option.

    The e-sign page with the Options menu expanded and the "Read agreement" option highlighted

  5. A challenge to authenticate may be presented if the sending account has enabled Content Protection.
    Acrobat Sign has multiple types of authentication. Instructions will be provided.

    Content Protection challenge to view an agreement

    The e-sign page reloads to display an online PDF of the agreement.
    No fields are presented; the recipient cannot complete any actions in this view. This is a read-only environment.
    Controls to magnify the view of the document and move between the pages are located to the right of the document.

    The read only view of the agreement


Use the browser's Back button (or reload the page from the email link) to return to the interactive form where signatures can be applied.
The recipient may be challenged to accept the Terms of Use and Consumer Disclosure again.

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