Send in Bulk using a parent template


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Send in Bulk using a parent template 

Send in Bulk is a process that uses a "parent" agreement template created by the sender to generate multiple "child" agreements for one or more recipients

The parent template is configured in three stages:

  • Defining the Agreement details - The name, global message, and base files of the agreement.
  • Defining the Agreement settings - The supporting configurations of the agreement, such as the reminder, expiration date, password, localization, etc. 
  • Add recipients - The list of recipients used to generate the child agreements, entered either: 
    • Manually, where each recipient is typed (or pasted) into the text field. 
    • Uploaded using a CSV file.

Method of adding recipients

Defining the Agreement details and settings is the same process regardless of how you add your recipients. However, how you intend to add recipients has far-reaching implications for the scope and options applied to the child agreements.
Before you start configuring a Send in Bulk parent template, know and understand which method you intend to use to add your recipients. If you intend to take advantage of the CSV import options, define your CSV before you begin building your template.

The manual input interface allows:

  • Only one recipient per child agreement, with an optional counter-signature by the sender. There is no option to add additional external recipients, assign a different counter-signer, or move the counter signature into the first signature position.
  • Up to 50 individual recipients can be added through the manual process, generating up to 50 child agreements.

Additionally, all configured agreement details and settings of the parent template apply to all child agreements. This includes:

  • the role of the recipient
  • the recipient's authentication method and value
  • the expiration deadline for the child agreements
  • the global message included in the email notification
  • the locale used for the recipient experience

The CSV import method provides several practical improvements over the manual process, such as:

  • Up to 1,000 child agreements can be configured through one Send in Bulk transaction.
  • Up to 100 recipients can be included in each child agreement. Each recipient can have their own:
    • Role
    • Authentication type (including Email (None), Acrobat Sign auth, Phone (SMS), Password, and Knowledge-based authentication)
    • Authentication value
    • Private message (up to 1,000 characters)
  • Each child agreement can be configured to include: 
    • Custom agreement name
    • Custom "global message" in the email  (up to 1,000 characters)
    • Custom locale
    • Custom expiration date
    • Complex workflow structures (Sequential, Parallel, and Hybrid signature flows)

Configure the parent template

Define the Agreement details

  1. Log in with a user that has access to the Send in Bulk feature enabled in their primary group and navigate to the Home page.

  2. Select the Send in Bulk tile.

    If the tile is not present, then the user's primary group does not have Send in Bulk enabled.

    The Home page with exampled when Send in Bulk is enabled and disabled
    Contact your Acrobat Sign administrator to provide access to the Send in Bulk feature for the user's primary group.

    If an error is generated asserting you don't have sufficient access, then the user's primary group isn't configured to allow access Send in Bulk, but the user is a member of a group with access.

    Send in Bulk Manual
    Access to the Send in Bulk interface requires the user to have the feature enabled in their primary group.

  3. Once the Send in Bulk interface loads:

    1. Select the group from which the agreements are to be sent. If the group picker isn't available, then you only have access to one group. The group defines:
      • the templates available for the transaction
      • the signature options and requirements requirements
      • the security applied to the agreements 
    2. Select the Choose file button to pick the file that will be used as the base document for the agreement. You can select a file from:
      • My computer. Selecting a file from your computer advances the configuration process immediately. If you need to use multiple files, you can select more files after the page refreshes.
      • Template Library. Selecting from the Template option allows you to select multiple files from the library by checking the box in the list. Once all files are checked, select the Confirm button to add them to the transaction. The template library has two tabs: 
        • Templates. This is a listing of all templates available to the user through the group's template library.
        • Recent Templates. This is a list of the most recently used templates in the group's template library.


    The Agreement details section of the Send in Bulk interface with theFile picker highlighted
    A link may be enabled in the upper-right corner of the window, allowing users to switch to the classic version of the Send in Bulk feature.


    When using templates, it's vital that you test and verify that your template fields are properly assigned and working as expected before you create hundreds of agreements.

  4. The page refreshes to show the Agreement details.

    There are three sections to review and edit as needed:

    • Agreement files - The selected files or templates are already attached. If you need more files attached, select the Choose more files button and add files from your local computer or the template library. 
      • Files can be added from both sources as needed.
      • Files selected from your local system can only be added one at a time. Multiple templates can be selected.
    • Agreement name - The name of the agreement appears in the subject line of the recipient's email and is displayed prominently on the Manage page. 
      • The default Agreement name is imported from the first attached file.
      • The agreement name is editable by clicking into the field and typing.
    • Message - The message field contains the default global message that is inserted in the email body for all recipients. To edit the message field, click into the field and start typing.
    The Send in Bulk interface showing the Agreement details configured

Configure or adjust the Agreement settings

The default values for the Agreement settings are inherited from the group settings. Each setting can be adjusted to accommodate the purpose of the template.
Based on the service level and group-level settings, different options may be included. Below are the most common:

Add recipients

As previously mentioned, how you expect to add your recipients is key to getting the best results.
By default, the manual process is presented when the template configuration is initiated.

Select the method you intend to use to add recipients:

What method do you want to use to add recipients?

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