Prefill web form field values using URL parameters


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Use URL parameters to fill web form fields

To insert values into a web form field, there are two things you need to know:

  • How to mark a field as available for URL parameters
  • How to construct the URL parameters to be inserted


How to mark a field as available for URL parameters

  1. Create or edit a web form to gain access to the fields

  2. Add the text field you want to populate through the URL

    •  Only Text fields can accept values
  3. Open the properties of the field by double clicking it

  4. Edit the field name to something meaningful. The field name is the first part of the parameter you will use, so shorter is usually better

  5. Check the box that says Default value may come from URL

    • Optionally check the Read Only box if you don't want the value to be editable
  6. Click OK to save the parameters

  7. Repeat for all fields that will need to accept a parameter from the URL

  8. Click Save to save the web form


In this example we are creating two fields to be filled by the URL:

  • Branch_Office - A field that accepts the branch office string (shown above)
  • Emp_ID - A field that accepts the employee ID


How to construct the URL parameters to be inserted

  1. Copy the URL from the web form. The easiest way to do this is to:

    • Edit the web form from the Manage page
    • Click the Copy Web Form URL link

    Web form URLs are very long, so an abbreviated one is used here for an example (yours will look different):

    Example URL:*

  2. Paste the web form URL into a text editor (like Notepad)

  3. Add your parameters  

    • The start of the parameters are identified by adding a hash (pound, #) symbol at the end of the web form URL.
    • Then add the parameters in the format of  {field_name}={value} 

    Example URL with one parameter*#Branch_Office=San Jose #621

    • Multiple values are added by inserting an ampersand (&) between field values.

    Example URL with two parameters*#Branch_Office=San Jose #621&Emp_ID=429939

  4. Once all of the field=value pairs are added to the URL, copy the full string and paste it into your browser.

    The web form will render with the fields populated:

    URL parameters on a web form

Properties and Limitations

  • You only use the hash mark once to define the beginning of the paramater(s)
    • Using a subsequent hash mark in a value does not negatively impact the result
  • Using spaces in values is acceptable
  • Using spaces in the field name is only acceptable if you explicitly insert %20 as the space character in the URL
    • This will work:*#Branch%20Office=San Jose #621
    • This will not work:*#Branch Office=San Jose #621
    • It is generally recommend that an underscore be used in field names instead of spaces. It will ultimately save you time
  • There is no space allowed between the Field Name, the equals mark, and the beginning of the value (Fieldname=Value)
  • No space to either side of the ampersand if you have multiple values
  • There is no limit (other than perhaps URL length limits) to the number of fields that can get their value from URL parameters
  • Calculated text fields can not be overridden and do not have the checkbox displayed in their field properties.
  • URL parameters do not work with authenticated web forms. Due to the use of URL Hash Fragments, if a web form is protected via a password or other authentication, the URL parameters are not passed back to the client after authentication is complete (the server never sees that part of the URL). 


Error handling

  • Any URL parameter that does not match a form field name exactly is ignored
  • Any URL parameter that tries to assign a value to a non-text field or a text field that does not have Default value may come from URL enabled is ignored