Cancel a reminder for an agreement


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Cancel a reminder

The owner of an agreement can cancel any/all of the reminders on their agreements at any time.

To cancel a reminder:

  1. Log in as the user that created the agreement.

  2. Navigate to the Manage page.

  3. Agreements that have a set reminder have a blue clock icon displayed in the agreement record.

    Click the clock icon, or single click the agreement to open the agreement actions and select Reminders.

    Select the reminder icon

  4. A list of all scheduled reminders is displayed.

    To delete a reminder, select the garbage can icon next to the schedule title.

    Delete the reminder

  5. Once canceled, the reminder is removed from the list and a success message displays at the top of the page.

    Delete success

  6. Click outside of the reminder panel to return to the Manage page.


Recipients have the authority to terminate the reminders from the reminder email. This is required functionality and can not be suppressed.


You can click Add a Reminder at the top of the reminder panel to create a new reminder if needed.

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