Convert a written signature process back to electronic signature


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Revert to an electronic signature after converting to a written signature process.

Converting back to an electronic signature

Recipients that have started the process to convert an agreement to a written signature process can back out of that process at any time before they download the agreement.

After selecting the Print, sign and upload option, the Options menu replaces the Print, sign and upload action with Sign electronically. This action immediately reverts the agreement back to an e-signature process.


The option to Sign electronically is only available when a recipient selects the Print, sign and upload feature from the Options menu.

Agreements explicitly sent for a written signature may not be converted to an electronic signature.

  1. Open the agreement by selecting the Review and sign link in your email notification.

    The "Review and sign" email with the link highlighted.

  2. Accept the Terms of Use and Consumer Disclosure as prompted.
    Depending on how the sending account is configured, the Terms of Use and Consumer Disclosure can be presented in different ways, all of which are conspicuous in the interface to direct the recipient through the process.

  3. Select the Options menu in the upper-left corner of the e-sign page.

  4. Select Sign electronically from the Options menu.

    The "e-sign" page with the "Options" menu expanded and the "Sign electronically" option highlighted.


    There is no challenge for this change. Once Sign electronically is selected, the agreement immediately reverts to the electronic process.

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