Block signers within a specific geography


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Configure your account to block recipients from signing your agreements based on their geolocation.


The Block signers from signing within a particular geography setting allows an account to fully block recipient activity in a specified geolocation based on the IP address of the connecting recipient. The IP Address is collected when the recipient uses the Review and sign button on their email notification.

Attempts to connect to the service from a restricted geolocation present the recipient with an error message (Acrobat Sign is not available in your location) which is logged in both the agreement's activity history and audit log.


The option to block recipients by their geolocation is available for business and enterprise license plans.

Configuration scope:

The feature can be enabled at the group and account level.


The only country that can currently be blocked is China.

How it's used

The controls to block a geographic location are defined at the account level and are inherited by all groups. 

Once configured, no additional interaction is required. All IP addresses associated with identified geolocations are blocked through all channels (Email links, Manage page, REST APIs v5 and v6).


The controls for this feature can be assessed by navigating to SecuritySettings > Block signers from signing within a particular geography

To enable the blocking functionalty:

  1. Log in to Acrobat Sign as an account-level administrator and navigate to the controls.

  2. Check the Block by location checkbox to activate the control.

  3. Select the Add/Remove Countries button to expose the pick list of countries.

    A search field is provided at the top of the picker list to help find the country you are looking for.    

  4. Check the countries to be blocked, and then select Save to lock in the selected options.

    The security Settings page of admin controls highlighting the "Block signers from signing within a particular geography" settings.

  5. Save the page configuration.

    The configured effects are:

    • When disabled, all recipients can access any agreement sent to them from the account.
    • When enabled, and the recipient
      • is not in a blocked geolocation, the recipient has full access to the agreement.
      • is identified as being in a blocked geo-location, the recipient will trigger an error message indicating that Acrobat Sign is not available in their region after selecting the Review and sign button in the notification email:
    An email notification to review and sign an agreement with the blocked geo error message imposed over it.

    Additionally, the Activity log and Audit Report are updated to indicate the blocking of the recipient:

    The Activity log and Audit Report highlighting the block event.

Things to know

  • Fill & Sign and structured self-sign options are not available for a user in a blocked region.

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