Send a new agreement using a custom send workflow


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Sending using a custom workflow

Sending an agreement with a workflow starts on the Home page by selecting the Start from library button and then selecting the workflow you want to use.

Once you select a workflow, a modified Send page displays, showing the customized recipient order, any custom instructions, attached files, and so forth.

  1. To begin using a workflow:

    1. Select Start from Library on the Home page.
    2. Select Workflows from the options in the left margin.
    3. Locate the workflow in one of the collapsible folders:
      • My Workflows – Contains workflows available only to you.
      • {GroupName} Workflows – Contains workflows assigned to a specific group, labeled with the group's name.
      • Account Workflows – Contains workflows available to the entire organization.
    4. Select the workflow you want to use.
    5. Select Start at the bottom of the workflow picker panel.
    Send a workflow from the home page


    The custom Compose page displays:

    Workflow configured agreement

    Example Custom Compose Page Customizations

    The example custom Compose page above includes preconfigured elements from different workflow sections:

    A. Workflow Info Section

    • Workflow Name: Service Contract Q12025 appears at the top.
    • Instructions for Sender: Displayed as How this workflow works.

    B. Agreement Info Section

    • Custom Agreement Name: GLobalCorp Service Contract appears as the agreement title.
    • Message: Displays the added message (Please find attached the service contract....)
    • Completion Deadline: Set to February 5, 2025.
    • CC’d Party: Displays a predefined, uneditable email address.

    C. Recipients Section

    • Custom Labels: Recipients are labeled Signer and Co-Signer, while internal recipients are labeled Sales Rep and Exec Approval.
    • Locked Email Address: The sender is a signer (Recipient 3); their email address is locked and cannot be edited.
    • Recipient Group (Exec Approval): Since this is a reusable recipient group, it cannot be edited. The number of members is shown.

    D. Documents Section

    • Pre-Identified Documents: The Service Contract appears in the Add File area.
    • Optional Documents: The sender may upload the Optional NDA, with a link prompting them to do so if needed.

    E. Sender Input Fields Section

    • Defined Fields: Displayed in the Add Fields area.
    • Editable Default Values: Preconfigured values are automatically imported but remain editable for the sender.
  2. Complete the fields that are required by your workflow.

    In the example above, that would be:

    • Attach the correct document for the agreement.
    • Add the first and second recipients.
    • Verify or update the required field information (Customer Tier, Customer Discount, and Shipping terms).
  3. Optionally, check the Preview & Add Signature Fields box and make modifications to the form fields.

  4. Select Send now.

  5. Review, update, or otherwise manage the new agreement from the Manage page just as with any other agreement.

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