Sign in to the Admin Console and navigate to Settings > Identity.
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You can use directory trust to authenticate your users against a domain already claimed by another organization.
Directory trusting
Only one organization at a time can claim a domain's ownership. Thus, consider the following scenario:
A company, Geometrixx, has multiple departments, each of which has its own unique Admin Console. Also, each department wants to use Federated user IDs, all using the domain. Each department's system administrator would want to claim this domain for authentication.
The Admin Console prevents a domain from being added to multiple organizations' Admin Console. However, once added by a single department, other departments can request access to the directory to which that domain is linked on behalf of their organization's Admin Console.
Directory trusting allows a directory owner organization to trust other requesting organizations (trustees). After this, trustee organizations in the Admin Console can add users to any domain within the trusted directory.
To summarize, you must add a domain if you plan to use Enterprise ID or Federated ID on your Admin Console. If another organization has already added this domain, you must request trustee access to the directory containing this domain. However, when the trustee organization adds users to the trusted domains, they are authenticated based on the owning organization's identity management.
To request access to a directory, follow the steps in Add domains to directories.
- As an owner of a directory, if you approve an access request for a directory, the trustee organization will have access to all domains linked to the directory, as well as any domains linked to that directory in the future. So planning the domain-to-directory linking is essential as you set up the identity system in your organization.
- Before adding, requesting, revoking, or withdrawing a trust request, we strongly recommend that you export a user list from the Admin Console or Consoles involved prior to making changes. This list will provide a snapshot of all user data, including name, email, assigned product profiles, and assigned admin roles in case you need to roll back.
- There are specific steps to migrating a domain that includes a trust relationship. You should not revoke a trust relationship when migrating a trusted domain to prevent the loss of user account and product access in the trustee’s organization.
Domain trustee (Requesting organization)
Follow the process below if you want to request access to a directory owning your desired domain:
If you add existing domains to the Admin Console, you are prompted with the following message:
If you request access to this domain; your name, email, and organization name are shared with the system administrators of the owning organization.
Since the owner already set up the domain, you do not need to take any additional action as the trustee. When the owner accepts the access request, your organization can access the directory and all its domains, as configured by the owning organization.
Go to the Access Requests tab and check the status against each directory for which you have requested access.
You can also click the row item in the list of access requests and click Resend Request or Cancel Request.
If the owning organization accepts your request for access to the directory, you receive an email notification. Your trust request disappears and is replaced by the trusted directory and its domains with Active (trusted) status in your Directories and Domains listings.
Go ahead and add users and user groups and assign them to product profiles.
As the trustee organization, if you no longer have a need to access the trusted directory, you may withdraw your trustee status at any time.
Sign in to the Admin Console and navigate to Settings > Identity.
In the Directories tab, click the shared directory to withdraw your access from.
In the directory details drawer, click Withdraw.
If you withdraw your access to a trusted directory, any users associated with the domains in that directory are removed from your organization. However, these users could still access their assigned apps, services, and storage.
To stop users from using the software, remove them from Admin Console > Users > Remove users. Then, you can reclaim the deleted users' assets since your organization owns these assets.
Domain owner (Owning organization)
When you get an email request for access to a directory you own, you can accept or reject the request from the email itself. Or, navigate to the Access request tab in the Admin Console to manage claim requests.
Sign in to the Admin Console and navigate to Settings > Identity.
Go to the Access Request tab.
To accept all the requests, click Accept All.
Or to accept requests for specific claims, click the check box to the left of each row and click Accept.
In the Accept Access Request screen, click Accept.
An email notification is sent to the System admins of the trustee organizations.
You can also choose to reject the request for access to a directory that you own.
Sign in to the Admin Console and navigate to Settings > Identity.
Go to the Access Request tab.
Click the check box to the left of each row and click Reject.
In the Reject Access Request screen, enter a reason for the rejecting the request and click Reject.
You can revoke the access of a trustee organization for which you have previously given access.
Sign in to the Admin Console and navigate to Settings > Identity.
Go to the Trustees tab.
Click the check box to the left of each row and click Revoke.
In the Revoke Trustee screen, click Revoke.
If you revoke access to a trusted directory, any users associated with the domains in that directory are removed from the trusted directory. However, these users could still access their assigned apps, services, and storage.
To stop users from using the software, trustee admins can remove them from Admin Console > Users > Remove users. Then, they can reclaim the deleted users' assets since the trustee organization owns these assets.
Directory trusting - Common questions
When a user is added to a trustee organization, the user is authenticated by the owning organization's identity setup. This holds true for new users on the trustee organization or for existing users on the owning organization.
When the user on a trustee organization signs into Adobe apps or services, the user is prompted with the Federated ID or Enterprise ID sign-in workflow, as set up on the owning organization.
Also, the user may be given entitlements from either the owning or trustee organizations. In this case, we will create a profile for each organization (owning or trustee) to which the users belongs. A profile helps to keep entitlements and assets isolated from each organization. So, the assets created by a user under a specific profile belong to that organzation. If a user leaves an organization, the assets are reclaimed by the admin of that organization.
Read more:
- How to manage Adobe profiles.
- How to reclaim assets.
After your trustee organization is migrated, all your users are signed out of their accounts and will need to sign back in. Since these users are also users in the owning organzation, they may be given entitlemnts from the owning as well as the trustee organizations. In this case, we will set up profiles for the users. So, when signing back into their accounts, your users may be prompted with a profile chooser.
If required, your users may read how to manage Adobe profiles.