In the Adobe Admin Console, navigate to the Products tab, and select the Single App product card.
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The Creative Cloud for enterprise Single App plan allows you to choose any one of the available apps per Single App license and assign them to your end users. As new apps are made available to the Single App plan, you can then assign these apps to the users without any contract modifications.
The Creative Cloud for enterprise Single App (Single App) plan is available to Enterprise Term License Agreement (ETLA) customers. The plan enables customers to choose any one app from a set of available Creative Cloud applications.
The Single App plan gives the administrator flexibility to change the provisioned application after 30 days without a contract amendment. Thus, giving the enterprise flexibility to meet changing needs.
Also, as newly released apps are added to your Single App plan, you can assign them to the end users right away. You do not need any modification in the existing contract to avail the new app.
Add users
As your organization purchases Single App licenses, you see the corresponding Single App product card in the Products tab of your Adobe Admin Console. Click the product card to view the list of default product profiles.
The default quota is set to zero for all the product profiles. Customize the quota allocations according to your organization's requirements. Follow the processes below to assign quota and users to the product profiles.
Even after you create multiple product profiles, there is only one product card in the Products tab of the Admin Console. The product card shows the aggregate number of used licenses against total licenses.
Set quota
Set quota to provide guidance for the number of licenses that are deployed using the product profile. The quota is not enforced and is only a guideline. Administrators can still assign extra licenses as needed.
Follow the steps below to allocate quota to different product profiles:
Select the desired product profile and click Settings under the name of the product profile. Default configuration of the product profile is displayed.
Go to Quota, enter the number of licenses to allot to this profile. You can change this quota later. You can also modify other details from the Details and Services sections.
Notă:Although you can select multiple services for any product profile, only the services that correspond to the selected app are available to users in that product profile. This applies to both default and custom product profiles.
Create custom product profiles
As a first step, you can pick a product profile from the default list under the Products tab, or create custom product profiles.
Create a custom product profile if your organization has teams that require similar apps but different services or you want to create different product profiles for different user groups.
To create a custom product profile, do the following:
In the Adobe Admin Console, navigate to the Products tab, and select the Single App product card.
Click New Profile.
Select a product for the product profile, enter its details and license quota, and enable/disable the required services.
To know more, see create product profiles.
Notă:Once you've selected a product for a product profile, you cannot change the product later. However, you can edit other details of the product profile and switch users assigned to it.
Click Save.
You're taken back to the Product Profiles list. The list now displays the profile you created.
Assign users to product profiles
Once the product profiles are configured, assign users or user groups to the respective product profiles. Learn how to add and remove users and groups of a product profile.
If users are assigned to the old Single App product profiles, you need to assign these users to the new Single App product profiles. To switch users' assignment, extract the user list from old product profiles and add users to their respective new Single App product profiles. Then, remove the users from the old product profiles to avoid over deployment. If you manage users using UMAPI, follow the instructions in the UMAPI Action Commands document.
If you want to add new users to the Admin Console directory, refer to manage users.
When users are assigned the designated products, they receive an email notification. Users can directly download and install Creative Cloud Desktop App. If they don't have admin permissions, you need to create and deploy packages.
Create and deploy packages
You can either create an all inclusive package for Creative Cloud Desktop Apps or app-specific packages according to your user needs. The users sign in to their account to start using the apps and services.
To know more on how to create and deploy packages, see Create Named User Licensing Packages.
Switch app assignment
You can assign new products to your users or groups after they complete one month in their current assignment. Multiple licenses are consumed if the same user is assigned to multiple product profiles at a time. To prevent this, remove the users or groups from their current Product Profile, and then add them to the new product profiles as per their new assignments.
Users are notified about the activity as they are removed from one product profile and added to the other. The users lose access to the product as soon as they are removed from the corresponding product profile.
Users have to be assigned to a product profile for a minimum of one month before they are moved to another product profile.