Creative Cloud app prompts to sign in repeatedly

Learn what to do when a Creative Cloud app signs you out repeatedly.

Why is Creative Cloud app signing me out repeatedly?

When you open a Creative Cloud app, occasionally, you may get repeated requests to sign in, thereby failing multiple attempts to launch your app. This may be happening because the antivirus software installed on your computer has deleted some Adobe license files.

How to fix the issue

To fix this issue, try the following troubleshooting process for your operating system. 


  1. Enter Credential Manager in the Windows search bar.

  2. Select Windows Credentials.

  3. In the Generic Credentials section, check for Adobe App Info and Adobe User Info credentials.

If the above-mentioned credentials are present, your app is working fine. If not, make sure that the antivirus software is temporarily disabled.


Make sure that your antivirus software doesn't delete, stop, or interrupt the Windows Credential Manager and doesn't deprive access to Windows Credential Manager for the currently signed-in user.


  1. Go to Finder, and select Application.

  2. In the search bar, search Keychain Access and open it.

  3. Select Secure Notes.

  4. In the right pane, select the Login tab, and check for Adobe App Info and Adobe User Info notes.

If the above-mentioned notes are present, your app is working fine. If not, make sure that the antivirus software is temporarily disabled.


Make sure that your antivirus software doesn't delete, stop, or interrupt the macOS Keychain Access service
and doesn't deprive access to macOS Keychain Access service for the currently signed-in user.

