- ColdFusion functions by category
Functions a-b
- Abs
- ACos
- AddSOAPRequestHeader
- AddSOAPResponseHeader
- AjaxLink
- AjaxOnLoad
- ApplicationStop
- ArrayAppend
- ArrayAvg
- ArrayClear
- ArrayContains
- ArrayContainsNoCase
- ArrayDelete
- ArrayDeleteAt
- ArrayDeleteNoCase
- ArrayEach
- ArrayFilter
- ArrayFind
- ArrayFindAll
- ArrayFindAllNoCase
- ArrayFindNoCase
- ArrayInsertAt
- ArrayIsDefined
- ArrayIsEmpty
- ArrayLen
- ArrayMap
- ArrayMax
- ArrayMin
- ArrayNew
- ArrayPrepend
- ArrayReduce
- ArrayResize
- ArraySet
- ArraySetMetadata
- ArraySlice
- ArraySort
- ArraySum
- ArraySwap
- ArrayToList
- Asc
- ASin
- Atn
- AuthenticatedContext
- AuthenticatedUser
- BinaryDecode
- BinaryEncode
- BitAnd
- BitMaskClear
- BitMaskRead
- BitMaskSet
- BitNot
- BitOr
- BitXor
- BooleanFormat
- CacheGet
- CacheGetAllIds
- CacheGetMetadata
- CacheGetProperties
- CacheGetSession
- CacheIdExists
- CachePut
- CacheRegionExists
- CacheRegionNew
- CacheRegionRemove
- CacheRemove
- CacheRemoveAll
- CacheSetProperties
- CallStackDump
- CallStackGet
- CanDeSerialize
- Canonicalize
- CanSerialize
- Ceiling
- CharsetDecode
- CharsetEncode
- Chr
- CJustify
- Compare
- CompareNoCase
- Cos
- CreateDate
- CreateDateTime
- CreateObject
- CreateObject: .NET object
- CreateObject: COM object
- CreateObject: component object
- CreateObject: CORBA object
- CreateObject: Java or EJB object
- CreateObject: web service object
- CreateODBCDate
- CreateODBCDateTime
- CreateODBCTime
- CreateSignedJWT
- CreateEncryptedJWT
- CreateTime
- CreateTimeSpan
- CreateUUID
- CSRFGenerateToken
- CSRFVerifyToken
- DateAdd
- DateCompare
- DateConvert
- DateDiff
- DateFormat
- DatePart
- DateTimeFormat
- Day
- DayOfWeek
- DayOfWeekAsString
- DayOfYear
- DaysInMonth
- DaysInYear
- DE
- DecimalFormat
- DecodeForHTML
- DecodeFromURL
- DecrementValue
- Decrypt
- DecryptBinary
- DeleteClientVariable
- Deserialize
- DeserializeJSON
- DeserializeXML
- DirectoryCopy
- DirectoryCreate
- DirectoryDelete
- DirectoryExists
- DirectoryList
- DirectoryRename
- DollarFormat
- DotNetToCFType
- Duplicate
- EncodeForCSS
- EncodeForDN
- EncodeForHTML
- EncodeForHTMLAttribute
- EncodeForJavaScript
- EncodeForLDAP
- EncodeForURL
- EncodeForXML
- EncodeForXMLAttribute
- EncodeForXpath
- Encrypt
- EncryptBinary
- EntityDelete
- EntityLoad
- EntityLoadByExample
- EntityLoadByPK
- EntityMerge
- EntityNew
- EntityReload
- EntitySave
- EntityToQuery
- Evaluate
- Exp
- ExpandPath
- FileClose
- FileCopy
- FileDelete
- FileExists
- FileGetMimeType
- FileIsEOF
- FileMove
- FileOpen
- FileRead
- FileReadBinary
- FileReadLine
- FileSeek
- FileSetAccessMode
- FileSetAttribute
- FileSetLastModified
- FileSkipBytes
- FileUpload
- FileUploadAll
- FileWrite
- FileWriteLine
- Find
- FindNoCase
- FindOneOf
- FirstDayOfMonth
- Fix
- Floor
- FormatBaseN
- GeneratePBKDFKey
- GenerateSecretKey
- GetAuthUser
- GetBaseTagData
- GetBaseTagList
- GetBaseTemplatePath
- GetClientVariablesList
- GetComponentMetaData
- GetContextRoot
- GetCPUUsage
- GetCurrentTemplatePath
- GetDirectoryFromPath
- GetEncoding
- GetException
- GetFileFromPath
- GetFileInfo
- GetFreeSpace
- GetFunctionCalledName
- GetFunctionList
- GetGatewayHelper
- GetHttpRequestData
- GetHttpTimeString
- GetK2ServerDocCount
- GetK2ServerDocCountLimit
- GetLocale
- GetLocaleDisplayName
- GetLocalHostIP
- GetMetaData
- GetMetricData
- GetPageContext
- GetPrinterInfo
- GetPrinterList
- GetProfileSections
- GetProfileString
- GetReadableImageFormats
- GetSafeHTML
- GetSAMLAuthRequest
- GetSOAPRequest
- GetSOAPRequestHeader
- GetSOAPResponse
- GetSOAPResponseHeader
- GetSystemFreeMemory
- GetSystemTotalMemory
- GetTempDirectory
- GetTempFile
- GetTemplatePath
- GetTickCount
- GetTimeZoneInfo
- GetToken
- GetTotalSpace
- GetUserRoles
- GetVFSMetaData
- GetWriteableImageFormats
- Hash
- HMac
- Hour
- HQLMethods
- HTMLCodeFormat
- HTMLEditFormat
- IIf
- ImageAddBorder
- ImageBlur
- ImageClearRect
- ImageCopy
- ImageCreateCaptcha
- ImageCrop
- ImageDrawArc
- ImageDrawBeveledRect
- ImageDrawCubicCurve
- ImageDrawLine
- ImageDrawLines
- ImageDrawOval
- ImageDrawPoint
- ImageDrawQuadraticCurve
- ImageDrawRect
- ImageDrawRoundRect
- ImageDrawText
- ImageFlip
- ImageGetBlob
- ImageGetBufferedImage
- ImageGetEXIFMetadata
- ImageGetEXIFTag
- ImageGetHeight
- ImageGetIPTCMetadata
- ImageGetIPTCTag
- ImageGetMetadata
- ImageGetWidth
- ImageGrayscale
- ImageInfo
- ImageMakeColorTransparent
- ImageMakeTranslucent
- ImageNegative
- ImageNew
- ImageOverlay
- ImagePaste
- ImageRead
- ImageReadBase64
- ImageResize
- ImageRotate
- ImageRotateDrawingAxis
- ImageScaleToFit
- ImageSetAntialiasing
- ImageSetBackgroundColor
- ImageSetDrawingColor
- ImageSetDrawingStroke
- ImageSetDrawingTransparency
- ImageSharpen
- ImageShear
- ImageShearDrawingAxis
- ImageTranslate
- ImageTranslateDrawingAxis
- ImageWrite
- ImageWriteBase64
- ImageXORDrawingMode
- IncrementValue
- InputBaseN
- Insert
- Int
- InvalidateOauthAccesstoken
- Invoke
- InitSAMLAuthRequest
- InvokeCFClientFunction
- IsArray
- IsAuthenticated
- IsAuthorized
- IsBinary
- IsBoolean
- IsClosure
- IsCustomFunction
- IsDate
- IsDateObject
- IsDebugMode
- IsDefined
- IsImage
- IsImageFile
- IsInstanceOf
- IsIPv6
- IsK2ServerABroker
- IsK2ServerDocCountExceeded
- IsK2ServerOnline
- IsLeapYear
- IsLocalHost
- IsNull
- IsNumeric
- IsNumericDate
- IsObject
- isOnline
- IsPDFArchive
- IsPDFFile
- IsPDFObject
- IsProtected
- IsQuery
- isSamlLogoutResponse
- isSafeHTML
- IsSimpleValue
- IsSOAPRequest
- IsSpreadsheetFile
- IsSpreadsheetObject
- IsStruct
- IsUserInAnyRole
- IsUserInRole
- IsUserLoggedIn
- IsValid
- IsValidOauthAccesstoken
- IsXmlAttribute
- IsXmlDoc
- IsXmlElem
- IsXmlNode
- IsXmlRoot
- JavaCast
- JSStringFormat
- LCase
- Left
- Len
- ListAppend
- ListChangeDelims
- ListContains
- ListContainsNoCase
- ListDeleteAt
- ListEach
- ListFilter
- ListFind
- ListFindNoCase
- ListFirst
- ListGetAt
- ListInsertAt
- ListLast
- ListLen
- ListMap
- ListPrepend
- ListQualify
- ListReduce
- ListRemoveDuplicates
- ListRest
- ListSetAt
- ListSort
- ListToArray
- ListValueCount
- ListValueCountNoCase
- LJustify
- Location
- Log
- Log10
- LSCurrencyFormat
- LSDateFormat
- LSDateTimeFormat
- LSEuroCurrencyFormat
- LSIsCurrency
- LSIsDate
- LSIsNumeric
- LSNumberFormat
- LSParseCurrency
- LSParseDateTime
- LSParseEuroCurrency
- LSParseNumber
- LSTimeFormat
- LTrim
- Max
- Mid
- Min
- Minute
- Month
- MonthAsString
- Now
- NumberFormat
- ObjectEquals
- ObjectLoad
- ObjectSave
- OnWSAuthenticate
- ORMClearSession
- ORMCloseAllSessions
- ORMCloseSession
- ORMEvictCollection
- ORMEvictEntity
- ORMEvictQueries
- ORMExecuteQuery
- ORMFlush
- ORMFlushall
- ORMGetSession
- ORMGetSessionFactory
- ORMIndex
- ORMIndexPurge
- ORMReload
- ORMSearch
- ORMSearchOffline
- ParagraphFormat
- ParameterExists
- ParseDateTime
- Pi
- PrecisionEvaluate
- ProcessSAMLResponse
- Quarter
- PreserveSingleQuotes
- QueryAddColumn
- QueryAddRow
- QueryConvertForGrid
- QueryExecute
- QueryFilter
- QueryGetResult
- QueryGetRow
- QueryKeyExists
- QueryMap
- QueryNew
- QueryReduce
- QuerySetCell
- QuotedValueList
- QueryEach
- Rand
- Randomize
- RandRange
- ReEscape
- REFind
- REFindNoCase
- ReleaseComObject
- REMatch
- REMatchNoCase
- RemoveCachedQuery
- RemoveChars
- RepeatString
- Replace
- ReplaceList
- ReplaceNoCase
- REReplace
- REReplaceNoCase
- RestDeleteApplication
- RestSetResponse
- RestInitApplication
- Reverse
- Right
- RJustify
- Round
- RTrim
- Second
- SendGatewayMessage
- SendSAMLLogoutResponse
- Serialize
- SerializeJSON
- SerializeXML
- SessionInvalidate
- SessionRotate
- SessionGetMetaData
- SessionInvalidate
- SessionRotate
- SetDay
- SetEncoding
- SetHour
- SetLocale
- SetMonth
- SetProfileString
- SetVariable
- SetYear
- Sgn
- Sin
- Sleep
- SpanExcluding
- SpanIncluding
- SpreadsheetAddAutoFilter
- SpreadsheetAddColumn
- SpreadsheetAddFreezePane
- SpreadsheetAddImage
- SpreadsheetAddInfo
- SpreadsheetAddPageBreaks
- SpreadsheetAddRow
- SpreadsheetAddRows
- SpreadsheetAddSplitPane
- SpreadsheetCreateSheet
- SpreadsheetDeleteColumn
- SpreadsheetDeleteColumns
- SpreadsheetDeleteRow
- SpreadsheetDeleteRows
- SpreadsheetFormatCell
- SpreadsheetFormatColumn
- SpreadsheetFormatCellRange
- SpreadsheetFormatColumn
- SpreadsheetFormatColumns
- SpreadsheetFormatRow
- SpreadsheetFormatRows
- SpreadsheetGetCellComment
- SpreadsheetGetCellFormula
- SpreadsheetGetCellValue
- SpreadsheetGetColumnCount
- SpreadsheetInfo
- SpreadsheetMergeCells
- SpreadsheetNew
- SpreadsheetRead
- SpreadsheetReadBinary
- SpreadsheetRemoveSheet
- SpreadsheetSetActiveSheet
- SpreadsheetSetActiveSheetNumber
- SpreadsheetSetCellComment
- SpreadsheetSetCellFormula
- SpreadsheetSetCellValue
- SpreadsheetSetColumnWidth
- SpreadsheetSetFooter
- SpreadsheetSetHeader
- SpreadsheetSetRowHeight
- SpreadsheetShiftColumns
- SpreadsheetShiftRows
- SpreadsheetWrite
- Sqr
- StripCR
- StructAppend
- StructClear
- StructCopy
- StructCount
- StructDelete
- StructEach
- StructFilter
- StructFind
- StructFindKey
- StructFindValue
- StructGet
- StructGetMetadata
- StructInsert
- StructIsEmpty
- StructKeyArray
- StructKeyExists
- StructKeyList
- StructMap
- StructNew
- StructReduce
- StructSetMetadata
- StructSort
- StructToSorted
- StructUpdate
- StoreSetMetadata
- StoreGetACL
- StoreGetMetadata
- StoreAddACL
- StoreSetACL
- Tan
- ThreadJoin
- ThreadTerminate
- Throw
- TimeFormat
- ToBase64
- ToBinary
- ToScript
- ToString
- Trace
- Transactionandconcurrency
- TransactionCommit
- TransactionRollback
- TransactionSetSavePoint
- Trim
- UCase
- URLDecode
- URLEncodedFormat
- URLSessionFormat
- Val
- ValueList
- VerifyClient
- Week
- Wrap
- WriteDump
- WriteLog
- WriteOutput
- WSGetAllChannels
- WSGetSubscribers
- WSPublish
- WSSendMessage
- XmlChildPos
- XmlElemNew
- XmlFormat
- XmlGetNodeType
- XmlNew
- XmlParse
- XmlSearch
- XmlTransform
- XmlValidate
- Year
- YesNoFormat
- ColdFusion tag summary
ColdFusion tags by category
- Application framework tags
- Communications tags
- Database manipulation tags
- Data output tags
- Debugging tags
- Exception handling tags
- Extensibility tags
- File management tags
- Flow-control tags
- Forms tags
- Internet Protocol tags
- Page processing tags
- Security tags
- Variable manipulation tags
- Other tags
- Tags a-b
- Tags c
- Tags g-h
- Tags i
Tags j-l
- cfjava
- cflayout
- cflayoutarea
- cfldap
- cflocation
- cflock
- cflog
- cflogin
- cfloginuser
- cflogout
- cfloop
- cfloop : conditional loop
- cfloop : index loop
- cfloop : looping over a COM collection or structure
- cfloop : looping over a date or time range
- cfloop : looping over a list, a file, or an array
- cfloop : looping over a query
Tags m-o
- cfmail
- cfmailparam
- cfmailpart
- cfmap
- cfmapitem
- cfmediaplayer
- cfmenu
- cfmenuitem
- cfmessagebox
- cfmodule
- cfNTauthenticate
- cfoauth
- cfobject
- cfobject: .NET object
- cfobject: COM object
- cfobject: component object
- cfobject: CORBA object
- cfobject: Java or EJB object
- cfobject: web service object
- cfobjectcache
- cfoutput
- Tags p-q
- Tags r-s
- Tags t
- Tags u-z
- Reserved words and variables
Ajax JavaScript functions
- Ajax JavaScript functions
- Function summary Ajax
- ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm
- ColdFusion.Autosuggest.getAutosuggestObject
- ColdFusion.Layout.enableSourceBind
- ColdFusion.MessageBox.getMessageBoxObject
- ColdFusion.ProgressBar.getProgressBarObject
- ColdFusion.MessageBox.isMessageBoxDefined
- JavaScriptFunctionsinColdFusion9Update1
- ColdFusion ActionScript functions
- ColdFusion mobile functions
- Application.cfc reference
- Script functions implemented as CFCs
ColdFusion Flash Form style reference
- Styles valid for all controls
- Styles for cfform
- Styles for cfformgroup with horizontal or vertical type attributes
- Styles for box-style cfformgroup elements
- Styles for cfformgroup with accordion type attribute
- Styles for cfformgroup with tabnavigator type attribute
- Styles for cfformitem with hrule or vrule type attributes
- Styles for cfinput with radio, checkbox, button, image, or submit type attributes
- Styles for cftextarea tag and cfinput with text, password, or hidden type attributes
- Styles for cfselect with size attribute value of 1
- Styles for cfselect with size attribute value greater than 1
- Styles for cfcalendar tag and cfinput with dateField type attribute
- Styles for the cfgrid tag
- Styles for the cftree tag
- ColdFusion Flash Form Style Reference
ColdFusion event gateway reference
- ColdFusion Event Gateway reference
- addEvent
- CFEvent
- CFEventclass
- Constructor
- Gateway development interfaces and classes
- getStatus
- setCFCPath
- setCFCMethod
- getOriginatorID
- getLogger
- getBuddyList
- getBuddyInfo
- IM gateway message sending commands
- IM Gateway GatewayHelper class methods
- onIncomingMessage
- onIMServerMessage
- onBuddyStatus
- onAddBuddyResponse
- onAddBuddyRequest
- IM Gateway CFC incoming message methods
- IM gateway methods and commands
- CFML CFEvent structure
- warn
- info
- setOriginatorID
- data command
- submit Multi command
- submit command
- setGatewayType
- setGatewayID
- setData
- setCFCListeners
- outgoingMessage
- getStatusTimeStamp
- numberOfMessagesReceived
- numberOfMessagesSent
- removeBuddy
- removeDeny
- removePermit
- setNickName
- setPermitMode
- setStatus
- SMS Gateway CFEvent structure and commands
- SMS Gateway incoming message CFEvent structure
- getStatusAsString
- getProtocolName
- getPermitMode
- getPermitList
- getNickName
- getName
- getDenyList
- getCustomAwayMessage
- getQueueSize
- getMaxQueueSize
- getHelper
- getGatewayType
- getGatewayServices
- getGatewayID_1
- getGatewayID
- getData
- getCFCTimeout
- setCFCTimeout
- getCFCPath
- getCFCMethod
- GatewayServices class
- Gateway interface
- GatewayHelper interface
- addPermit
- addDeny
- addBuddy
- error
- debug
- Logger class
- stop
- start
- CFML event gateway SendGatewayMessage data parameter
- restart
- fatal
- SMS gateway message sending commands
- ColdFusion C++ CFX Reference
- ColdFusion Java CFX reference
- WDDX JavaScript Objects
- ColdFusion and GCP Storage
- ColdFusion and GCP Firestore
- ColdFusion and GCP PubSub
- ColdFusion and Amazon S3
- ColdFusion and DynamoDB
- ColdFusion and Amazon SQS
- ColdFusion and Amazon SNS
- ColdFusion and MongoDB
- ColdFusion and Azure Blob
- ColdFusion and Azure Service Bus
- Multi-cloud storage services
- Multi-cloud RDS databases
- ColdFusion and Azure Cosmos DB
- CFML Reference User Guide
ColdFusion functions
- ColdFusion functions by category
Functions a-b
- Abs
- ACos
- AddSOAPRequestHeader
- AddSOAPResponseHeader
- AjaxLink
- AjaxOnLoad
- ApplicationStop
- ArrayAppend
- ArrayAvg
- ArrayClear
- ArrayContains
- ArrayContainsNoCase
- ArrayDelete
- ArrayDeleteAt
- ArrayDeleteNoCase
- ArrayEach
- ArrayFilter
- ArrayFind
- ArrayFindAll
- ArrayFindAllNoCase
- ArrayFindNoCase
- ArrayInsertAt
- ArrayIsDefined
- ArrayIsEmpty
- ArrayLen
- ArrayMap
- ArrayMax
- ArrayMin
- ArrayNew
- ArrayPrepend
- ArrayReduce
- ArrayResize
- ArraySet
- ArraySetMetadata
- ArraySlice
- ArraySort
- ArraySum
- ArraySwap
- ArrayToList
- Asc
- ASin
- Atn
- AuthenticatedContext
- AuthenticatedUser
- BinaryDecode
- BinaryEncode
- BitAnd
- BitMaskClear
- BitMaskRead
- BitMaskSet
- BitNot
- BitOr
- BitXor
- BooleanFormat
- CacheGet
- CacheGetAllIds
- CacheGetMetadata
- CacheGetProperties
- CacheGetSession
- CacheIdExists
- CachePut
- CacheRegionExists
- CacheRegionNew
- CacheRegionRemove
- CacheRemove
- CacheRemoveAll
- CacheSetProperties
- CallStackDump
- CallStackGet
- CanDeSerialize
- Canonicalize
- CanSerialize
- Ceiling
- CharsetDecode
- CharsetEncode
- Chr
- CJustify
- Compare
- CompareNoCase
- Cos
- CreateDate
- CreateDateTime
- CreateObject
- CreateObject: .NET object
- CreateObject: COM object
- CreateObject: component object
- CreateObject: CORBA object
- CreateObject: Java or EJB object
- CreateObject: web service object
- CreateODBCDate
- CreateODBCDateTime
- CreateODBCTime
- CreateSignedJWT
- CreateEncryptedJWT
- CreateTime
- CreateTimeSpan
- CreateUUID
- CSRFGenerateToken
- CSRFVerifyToken
- DateAdd
- DateCompare
- DateConvert
- DateDiff
- DateFormat
- DatePart
- DateTimeFormat
- Day
- DayOfWeek
- DayOfWeekAsString
- DayOfYear
- DaysInMonth
- DaysInYear
- DE
- DecimalFormat
- DecodeForHTML
- DecodeFromURL
- DecrementValue
- Decrypt
- DecryptBinary
- DeleteClientVariable
- Deserialize
- DeserializeJSON
- DeserializeXML
- DirectoryCopy
- DirectoryCreate
- DirectoryDelete
- DirectoryExists
- DirectoryList
- DirectoryRename
- DollarFormat
- DotNetToCFType
- Duplicate
- EncodeForCSS
- EncodeForDN
- EncodeForHTML
- EncodeForHTMLAttribute
- EncodeForJavaScript
- EncodeForLDAP
- EncodeForURL
- EncodeForXML
- EncodeForXMLAttribute
- EncodeForXpath
- Encrypt
- EncryptBinary
- EntityDelete
- EntityLoad
- EntityLoadByExample
- EntityLoadByPK
- EntityMerge
- EntityNew
- EntityReload
- EntitySave
- EntityToQuery
- Evaluate
- Exp
- ExpandPath
- FileClose
- FileCopy
- FileDelete
- FileExists
- FileGetMimeType
- FileIsEOF
- FileMove
- FileOpen
- FileRead
- FileReadBinary
- FileReadLine
- FileSeek
- FileSetAccessMode
- FileSetAttribute
- FileSetLastModified
- FileSkipBytes
- FileUpload
- FileUploadAll
- FileWrite
- FileWriteLine
- Find
- FindNoCase
- FindOneOf
- FirstDayOfMonth
- Fix
- Floor
- FormatBaseN
- GeneratePBKDFKey
- GenerateSecretKey
- GetAuthUser
- GetBaseTagData
- GetBaseTagList
- GetBaseTemplatePath
- GetClientVariablesList
- GetComponentMetaData
- GetContextRoot
- GetCPUUsage
- GetCurrentTemplatePath
- GetDirectoryFromPath
- GetEncoding
- GetException
- GetFileFromPath
- GetFileInfo
- GetFreeSpace
- GetFunctionCalledName
- GetFunctionList
- GetGatewayHelper
- GetHttpRequestData
- GetHttpTimeString
- GetK2ServerDocCount
- GetK2ServerDocCountLimit
- GetLocale
- GetLocaleDisplayName
- GetLocalHostIP
- GetMetaData
- GetMetricData
- GetPageContext
- GetPrinterInfo
- GetPrinterList
- GetProfileSections
- GetProfileString
- GetReadableImageFormats
- GetSafeHTML
- GetSAMLAuthRequest
- GetSOAPRequest
- GetSOAPRequestHeader
- GetSOAPResponse
- GetSOAPResponseHeader
- GetSystemFreeMemory
- GetSystemTotalMemory
- GetTempDirectory
- GetTempFile
- GetTemplatePath
- GetTickCount
- GetTimeZoneInfo
- GetToken
- GetTotalSpace
- GetUserRoles
- GetVFSMetaData
- GetWriteableImageFormats
- Hash
- HMac
- Hour
- HQLMethods
- HTMLCodeFormat
- HTMLEditFormat
- IIf
- ImageAddBorder
- ImageBlur
- ImageClearRect
- ImageCopy
- ImageCreateCaptcha
- ImageCrop
- ImageDrawArc
- ImageDrawBeveledRect
- ImageDrawCubicCurve
- ImageDrawLine
- ImageDrawLines
- ImageDrawOval
- ImageDrawPoint
- ImageDrawQuadraticCurve
- ImageDrawRect
- ImageDrawRoundRect
- ImageDrawText
- ImageFlip
- ImageGetBlob
- ImageGetBufferedImage
- ImageGetEXIFMetadata
- ImageGetEXIFTag
- ImageGetHeight
- ImageGetIPTCMetadata
- ImageGetIPTCTag
- ImageGetMetadata
- ImageGetWidth
- ImageGrayscale
- ImageInfo
- ImageMakeColorTransparent
- ImageMakeTranslucent
- ImageNegative
- ImageNew
- ImageOverlay
- ImagePaste
- ImageRead
- ImageReadBase64
- ImageResize
- ImageRotate
- ImageRotateDrawingAxis
- ImageScaleToFit
- ImageSetAntialiasing
- ImageSetBackgroundColor
- ImageSetDrawingColor
- ImageSetDrawingStroke
- ImageSetDrawingTransparency
- ImageSharpen
- ImageShear
- ImageShearDrawingAxis
- ImageTranslate
- ImageTranslateDrawingAxis
- ImageWrite
- ImageWriteBase64
- ImageXORDrawingMode
- IncrementValue
- InputBaseN
- Insert
- Int
- InvalidateOauthAccesstoken
- Invoke
- InitSAMLAuthRequest
- InvokeCFClientFunction
- IsArray
- IsAuthenticated
- IsAuthorized
- IsBinary
- IsBoolean
- IsClosure
- IsCustomFunction
- IsDate
- IsDateObject
- IsDebugMode
- IsDefined
- IsImage
- IsImageFile
- IsInstanceOf
- IsIPv6
- IsK2ServerABroker
- IsK2ServerDocCountExceeded
- IsK2ServerOnline
- IsLeapYear
- IsLocalHost
- IsNull
- IsNumeric
- IsNumericDate
- IsObject
- isOnline
- IsPDFArchive
- IsPDFFile
- IsPDFObject
- IsProtected
- IsQuery
- isSamlLogoutResponse
- isSafeHTML
- IsSimpleValue
- IsSOAPRequest
- IsSpreadsheetFile
- IsSpreadsheetObject
- IsStruct
- IsUserInAnyRole
- IsUserInRole
- IsUserLoggedIn
- IsValid
- IsValidOauthAccesstoken
- IsXmlAttribute
- IsXmlDoc
- IsXmlElem
- IsXmlNode
- IsXmlRoot
- JavaCast
- JSStringFormat
- LCase
- Left
- Len
- ListAppend
- ListChangeDelims
- ListContains
- ListContainsNoCase
- ListDeleteAt
- ListEach
- ListFilter
- ListFind
- ListFindNoCase
- ListFirst
- ListGetAt
- ListInsertAt
- ListLast
- ListLen
- ListMap
- ListPrepend
- ListQualify
- ListReduce
- ListRemoveDuplicates
- ListRest
- ListSetAt
- ListSort
- ListToArray
- ListValueCount
- ListValueCountNoCase
- LJustify
- Location
- Log
- Log10
- LSCurrencyFormat
- LSDateFormat
- LSDateTimeFormat
- LSEuroCurrencyFormat
- LSIsCurrency
- LSIsDate
- LSIsNumeric
- LSNumberFormat
- LSParseCurrency
- LSParseDateTime
- LSParseEuroCurrency
- LSParseNumber
- LSTimeFormat
- LTrim
- Max
- Mid
- Min
- Minute
- Month
- MonthAsString
- Now
- NumberFormat
- ObjectEquals
- ObjectLoad
- ObjectSave
- OnWSAuthenticate
- ORMClearSession
- ORMCloseAllSessions
- ORMCloseSession
- ORMEvictCollection
- ORMEvictEntity
- ORMEvictQueries
- ORMExecuteQuery
- ORMFlush
- ORMFlushall
- ORMGetSession
- ORMGetSessionFactory
- ORMIndex
- ORMIndexPurge
- ORMReload
- ORMSearch
- ORMSearchOffline
- ParagraphFormat
- ParameterExists
- ParseDateTime
- Pi
- PrecisionEvaluate
- ProcessSAMLResponse
- Quarter
- PreserveSingleQuotes
- QueryAddColumn
- QueryAddRow
- QueryConvertForGrid
- QueryExecute
- QueryFilter
- QueryGetResult
- QueryGetRow
- QueryKeyExists
- QueryMap
- QueryNew
- QueryReduce
- QuerySetCell
- QuotedValueList
- QueryEach
- Rand
- Randomize
- RandRange
- ReEscape
- REFind
- REFindNoCase
- ReleaseComObject
- REMatch
- REMatchNoCase
- RemoveCachedQuery
- RemoveChars
- RepeatString
- Replace
- ReplaceList
- ReplaceNoCase
- REReplace
- REReplaceNoCase
- RestDeleteApplication
- RestSetResponse
- RestInitApplication
- Reverse
- Right
- RJustify
- Round
- RTrim
- Second
- SendGatewayMessage
- SendSAMLLogoutResponse
- Serialize
- SerializeJSON
- SerializeXML
- SessionInvalidate
- SessionRotate
- SessionGetMetaData
- SessionInvalidate
- SessionRotate
- SetDay
- SetEncoding
- SetHour
- SetLocale
- SetMonth
- SetProfileString
- SetVariable
- SetYear
- Sgn
- Sin
- Sleep
- SpanExcluding
- SpanIncluding
- SpreadsheetAddAutoFilter
- SpreadsheetAddColumn
- SpreadsheetAddFreezePane
- SpreadsheetAddImage
- SpreadsheetAddInfo
- SpreadsheetAddPageBreaks
- SpreadsheetAddRow
- SpreadsheetAddRows
- SpreadsheetAddSplitPane
- SpreadsheetCreateSheet
- SpreadsheetDeleteColumn
- SpreadsheetDeleteColumns
- SpreadsheetDeleteRow
- SpreadsheetDeleteRows
- SpreadsheetFormatCell
- SpreadsheetFormatColumn
- SpreadsheetFormatCellRange
- SpreadsheetFormatColumn
- SpreadsheetFormatColumns
- SpreadsheetFormatRow
- SpreadsheetFormatRows
- SpreadsheetGetCellComment
- SpreadsheetGetCellFormula
- SpreadsheetGetCellValue
- SpreadsheetGetColumnCount
- SpreadsheetInfo
- SpreadsheetMergeCells
- SpreadsheetNew
- SpreadsheetRead
- SpreadsheetReadBinary
- SpreadsheetRemoveSheet
- SpreadsheetSetActiveSheet
- SpreadsheetSetActiveSheetNumber
- SpreadsheetSetCellComment
- SpreadsheetSetCellFormula
- SpreadsheetSetCellValue
- SpreadsheetSetColumnWidth
- SpreadsheetSetFooter
- SpreadsheetSetHeader
- SpreadsheetSetRowHeight
- SpreadsheetShiftColumns
- SpreadsheetShiftRows
- SpreadsheetWrite
- Sqr
- StripCR
- StructAppend
- StructClear
- StructCopy
- StructCount
- StructDelete
- StructEach
- StructFilter
- StructFind
- StructFindKey
- StructFindValue
- StructGet
- StructGetMetadata
- StructInsert
- StructIsEmpty
- StructKeyArray
- StructKeyExists
- StructKeyList
- StructMap
- StructNew
- StructReduce
- StructSetMetadata
- StructSort
- StructToSorted
- StructUpdate
- StoreSetMetadata
- StoreGetACL
- StoreGetMetadata
- StoreAddACL
- StoreSetACL
- Tan
- ThreadJoin
- ThreadTerminate
- Throw
- TimeFormat
- ToBase64
- ToBinary
- ToScript
- ToString
- Trace
- Transactionandconcurrency
- TransactionCommit
- TransactionRollback
- TransactionSetSavePoint
- Trim
- UCase
- URLDecode
- URLEncodedFormat
- URLSessionFormat
- Val
- ValueList
- VerifyClient
- Week
- Wrap
- WriteDump
- WriteLog
- WriteOutput
- WSGetAllChannels
- WSGetSubscribers
- WSPublish
- WSSendMessage
- XmlChildPos
- XmlElemNew
- XmlFormat
- XmlGetNodeType
- XmlNew
- XmlParse
- XmlSearch
- XmlTransform
- XmlValidate
- Year
- YesNoFormat
CFML Reference
- Reserved words and variables
Ajax JavaScript functions
- Ajax JavaScript functions
- Function summary Ajax
- ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm
- ColdFusion.Autosuggest.getAutosuggestObject
- ColdFusion.Layout.enableSourceBind
- ColdFusion.MessageBox.getMessageBoxObject
- ColdFusion.ProgressBar.getProgressBarObject
- ColdFusion.MessageBox.isMessageBoxDefined
- JavaScriptFunctionsinColdFusion9Update1
- ColdFusion ActionScript functions
- ColdFusion mobile functions
- Application.cfc reference
- Script functions implemented as CFCs
ColdFusion Flash Form style reference
- Styles valid for all controls
- Styles for cfform
- Styles for cfformgroup with horizontal or vertical type attributes
- Styles for box-style cfformgroup elements
- Styles for cfformgroup with accordion type attribute
- Styles for cfformgroup with tabnavigator type attribute
- Styles for cfformitem with hrule or vrule type attributes
- Styles for cfinput with radio, checkbox, button, image, or submit type attributes
- Styles for cftextarea tag and cfinput with text, password, or hidden type attributes
- Styles for cfselect with size attribute value of 1
- Styles for cfselect with size attribute value greater than 1
- Styles for cfcalendar tag and cfinput with dateField type attribute
- Styles for the cfgrid tag
- Styles for the cftree tag
- ColdFusion Flash Form Style Reference
ColdFusion event gateway reference
- ColdFusion Event Gateway reference
- addEvent
- CFEvent
- CFEventclass
- Constructor
- Gateway development interfaces and classes
- getStatus
- setCFCPath
- setCFCMethod
- getOriginatorID
- getLogger
- getBuddyList
- getBuddyInfo
- IM gateway message sending commands
- IM Gateway GatewayHelper class methods
- onIncomingMessage
- onIMServerMessage
- onBuddyStatus
- onAddBuddyResponse
- onAddBuddyRequest
- IM Gateway CFC incoming message methods
- IM gateway methods and commands
- CFML CFEvent structure
- warn
- info
- setOriginatorID
- data command
- submit Multi command
- submit command
- setGatewayType
- setGatewayID
- setData
- setCFCListeners
- outgoingMessage
- getStatusTimeStamp
- numberOfMessagesReceived
- numberOfMessagesSent
- removeBuddy
- removeDeny
- removePermit
- setNickName
- setPermitMode
- setStatus
- SMS Gateway CFEvent structure and commands
- SMS Gateway incoming message CFEvent structure
- getStatusAsString
- getProtocolName
- getPermitMode
- getPermitList
- getNickName
- getName
- getDenyList
- getCustomAwayMessage
- getQueueSize
- getMaxQueueSize
- getHelper
- getGatewayType
- getGatewayServices
- getGatewayID_1
- getGatewayID
- getData
- getCFCTimeout
- setCFCTimeout
- getCFCPath
- getCFCMethod
- GatewayServices class
- Gateway interface
- GatewayHelper interface
- addPermit
- addDeny
- addBuddy
- error
- debug
- Logger class
- stop
- start
- CFML event gateway SendGatewayMessage data parameter
- restart
- fatal
- SMS gateway message sending commands
- ColdFusion C++ CFX Reference
- ColdFusion Java CFX reference
- WDDX JavaScript Objects
Cloud services
- ColdFusion and GCP Storage
- ColdFusion and GCP Firestore
- ColdFusion and GCP PubSub
- ColdFusion and Amazon S3
- ColdFusion and DynamoDB
- ColdFusion and Amazon SQS
- ColdFusion and Amazon SNS
- ColdFusion and MongoDB
- ColdFusion and Azure Blob
- ColdFusion and Azure Service Bus
- Multi-cloud storage services
- Multi-cloud RDS databases
- ColdFusion and Azure Cosmos DB
Copies all files sent to the page in an HTTP request to a directory on the server.
<cffile action = "uploadAll" allowedExtensions="comma-separated list of file extensions" destination = "full pathname" accept = "list of MIME types" attributes = "file attribute or list" mode = "permission" nameConflict = "behavior" result = "result name" ContinueOnError = "true|false" Errors = Variable in which the file upload errors will be stored." strict="true|false" >
You can specify this tag's attributes in an attributeCollection attribute whose value is a structure. Specify the structure name in the attributeCollection attribute and use the tag's attribute names as structure keys.
See also
ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 3, ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 10, ColdFusion 11 Update 18: Added the attribute allowedExtensions.
ColdFusion 11: Added the attributes ContinueOnError and Errors.
See the History section of the main cffile tag page.
Attribute |
Req/Opt |
Default |
Description |
action |
Required |
Type of file manipulation that the tag performs. |
allowedExtensions | Optional | A comma-separated list of file extensions, which will be allowed for upload. For example, .png, .jpg, or, .jpeg. You can use "*" (star) to allow all files, except where you specify the MIME type in the accept attribute. Values specified in the attribute allowedExtensions override the list of blocked extensions in the server or application settings. |
destination |
Required |
Pathname of directory in which to upload the file. If not an absolute path (starting with a drive letter and a colon, or a forward or backward slash), it is relative to the ColdFusion temporary directory, which is returned by the GetTempDirectory function. |
accept |
Optional |
Limits the MIME types to accept. It is a comma-delimited list. For example, the following code permits JPEG and Microsoft Word file uploads:"image/jpg,application/msword". When strict="true" If the mime type is specified in the accept attribute, the file does not get uploaded if the extension is blocked in the server or application settings. When strict="false" If you provide a file extension in the attribute accept, the extension overrides the blocked extension list in the server or application settings. The file then gets uploaded. If you provide a MIME type in the attribute accept, and the extension of the file you are trying to upload is blocked in the Administrator/Application-level settings, the file does not get uploaded. For example,
Values specified in the attribute allowedExtensions overrides the list of blocked extensions in the server or application settings. |
attributes |
Optional |
Applies to Windows. A comma-delimited list of attributes to set on the file.
mode |
Optional |
Applies only to UNIX and Linux. Permissions. Octal values of chmod command. Assigned to owner , group, and other, respectively, for example:
nameConflict |
Optional |
Error |
Action to take if filename is the same as that of a file in the directory.
ContinueOnError | Optional | False | By default, when uploading one of the files fail, the remaining files will not be uploaded. If this value is set to true, file upload continues evern after encountering an upload error. A file upload error happens due to the following reasons: 1. Empty file In the case of an upload failure, the error details will be stored in the errors attribute. |
Errors | Optional | cffile .uploadAllErrors | The name of the variable in which the file upload errors will be stored. Errors will be populated in the specfied variable name when continueOnError is true .After the file upload is completed, this tag creates an array of structures that contains upload failure information for each upload failure. The upload failure information error structure contains the following fields:
result |
Optional |
Lets you specify a name for the variable in which cffile returns the result (or status) parameters. If you do not specify a value for this attribute, cffile uses the prefix cffile . For more information, see Usage. |
strict | Optional | True |
strict="false" If you provide a file extension in the attribute accept, the extension overrides the blocked extension list in the server or application settings. The file then gets uploaded. If you provide a MIME type in the attribute accept, and the extension of the file you are trying to upload is blocked in the Administrator/Application-level settings, the file does not get uploaded. For example,
strict="true" If the mime type is specified in the accept attribute, the file does not get uploaded if the extension is blocked in the server or application settings. For example, if you have blocked file type CFM in the ColdFusion Administrator and specified accept=”text/x-coldfusion” and strict=”true”, and you try uploading a cfm file, the file does not get uploaded. Values specified in the attribute allowedExtensions overrides the list of blocked extensions in the server or application settings. |
Unlike cffile action="upload", which uploads only one file at a time cf fileaction="uploadall" uploads multiple files thereby eliminating the need to code multiple cffile action="upload" statements. Use this tag in the page specified by the action attribute of a cffileupload control. This tag uploads save the files that the cffileupload control sends when the user clicks the Save File button. After a file upload is completed, this tag creates an array of structures specified by the result parameter. Each structure in the array contains upload result information for one file. For information on the result structure contents, see cffile action = "upload".
You can control the maximum file size of the upload by specifying the server Request Throttle Threshold or the Settings page of the Administrator Server Settings section.
The following example copies files uploaded by a cffileupload tag to a temp directory.
<cfform action="#cgi.script_name#" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <cfinput type="file" name="attachment1"> <cfinput type="file" name="attachment2"> <cfinput type="file" name="attachment3"> <cfinput type="submit" name=" submit" value="submit"> </cfform> <cfif isdefined("form.submit")> <cffile action="uploadall" destination="#expandpath(".")#" nameconflict="MakeUnique" accept="image/png,image/gif,.png,.gif" strict="true" result="fileUploaded" allowedextensions=".png,.gif,.cfm" > <cfloop array="#fileUploaded#" item="item"> <br><cfdump var="#filegetmimetype(item.serverdirectory&'/'&item.serverfile)#"> <br><a href="<cfoutput>#item.serverfile#</cfoutput>"><cfoutput>#item.serverfile#</cfoutput></a> </cfloop> </cfif>