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Note: Adobe recommends that you use the EncodeForURL function, not the URLEncodedFormat function, to escape special characters in a string for use in a URL in all new applications.


Generates a URL-encoded string. For example, it replaces spaces with %20, and non-alphanumeric characters with equivalent hexadecimal escape sequences. Passes arbitrary strings within a URL (ColdFusion automatically decodes URL parameters that are passed to a page).


A copy of a string, URL-encoded.


Conversion functionsOther functionsString functions

Function syntax

URLEncodedFormat(string [, charset ])
URLEncodedFormat(string [, charset ])
URLEncodedFormat(string [, charset ])

See also

URLDecodeTags and functions for globalizing applications in the Developing ColdFusion Applications


ColdFusion MX 6.1: Changed the default encoding to be the response character encoding.

ColdFusion MX: Added the charset parameter.





A string or a variable that contains one


The character encoding in which the string is encoded.

Optional.The following list includes commonly used values:

  • utf-8
  • iso-8859-1
  • windows-1252
  • us-ascii
  • shift_jis
  • iso-2022-jp
  • euc-jp
  • euc-kr
  • big5
  • euc-cn
  • utf-16
    For more information on character encoding, see: The default value is the character encoding of the response. See cfcontent.


URL encoding formats some characters with a percent sign and the two-character hexadecimal representation of the character. For example, a character whose code is 129 is encoded as %81. A space is replaced with %20. Query strings in HTTP are always URL-encoded.


<h3>URLEncodedFormat Example</h3>
<cfif IsDefined("url.myExample")>
<p>The url variable url.myExample was passed from the previous link ...
its value is:
<p>This function returns a URL encoded string.
<cfset s = "My url-encoded string has special characters & other stuff">
<p> <A HREF = "urlencodedformat.cfm?myExample=<cfoutput>#URLEncodedFormat(s)#
</cfoutput>">Click me</A>
<h3>URLEncodedFormat Example</h3> <cfif IsDefined("url.myExample")> <p>The url variable url.myExample was passed from the previous link ... its value is: <br><b>"<cfoutput>#url.myExample#</cfoutput>"</b> </cfif> <p>This function returns a URL encoded string. <cfset s = "My url-encoded string has special characters & other stuff"> <p> <A HREF = "urlencodedformat.cfm?myExample=<cfoutput>#URLEncodedFormat(s)# </cfoutput>">Click me</A>
<h3>URLEncodedFormat Example</h3> 
<cfif IsDefined("url.myExample")> 
<p>The url variable url.myExample was passed from the previous link ... 
its value is: 
<p>This function returns a URL encoded string. 
<cfset s = "My url-encoded string has special characters & other stuff"> 
<p> <A HREF = "urlencodedformat.cfm?myExample=<cfoutput>#URLEncodedFormat(s)# 
</cfoutput>">Click me</A>

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