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This tag is removed in ColdFusion (2025 release).


Inserts a horizontal line, a vertical line, a spacer, or text in a Flash form. Used in the cfform or cfformgroup tag body for Flash and XML forms. Ignored in HTML forms.


Forms tags


type = "hrule|vrule|spacer"
height = "pixels"
style = "style specification"
visible = "yes|no"
width = "pixels"/>


type = "html|text|script"
bind = "bind expression"
enabled = "yes|no"
height = "pixels"
style = "style specification"
tooltip = "text"
visible = "yes|no"
width = "pixels">
...text </cfformitem>

Note: You can specify this tag's attributes in an attributeCollection attribute whose value is a structure. Specify the structure name in the attributeCollection attribute and use the tag's attribute names as structure keys.

See also

cfappletcfformcfformgroupcfgridcfinputcfselectcfslidercftextareacftreeAdding text, images, rules, and space with the cfformitem tag in Building Flash forms in the Developing ColdFusion Applications


ColdFusion (2025 release): Removed the tag.

ColdFusion MX 7.01: Added the "script" value for type attribute.

ColdFusion MX 7: Added tag


The following table lists the attributes and their behavior in Flash forms. For XML format, if not otherwise noted, the attribute is passed to the XML but is not interpreted by the basic XSL style sheet provided with ColdFusion.

Note: Attributes that are marked as Flash only are not handled by the skins provided with ColdFusion. They are, however, included in the generated XML in all controls except text and html types.


Req/Opt; formats




Required;Flash and XML



  • html: place the text in the body of this tag on the form. For Flash forms, you can use the following text formatting tags, most of which correspond to HTML tags, in the text: a, b, br, font, i, img, li, p, textformat, and u. For details on using these formatting tags, see the Flash documentation. The style attribute has no effect on the format of the text in type.
  • text: place the text in the body of this tag on the form verbatim, without interpreting any markup. You can control the overall appearance of the text by using the style attribute.
  • spacer: places an invisible spacer of the specified height and width on the form. Used to place space between form controls. This tag must not have any children.
  • hrule: places a horizontal rule on the form. This tag must not have any children.
  • vrule: places a vertical rule on the form. This tag must not have any children.
  • script: lets you create functions in Flash forms, which reduces the possibility of reaching the 64 KB limit.





  • html: puts the CFML tag's body text in a CDATA section in an XML xf:output element.
  • text: XML-formats (escapes characters such as <) the CFML tag's body text and puts it in a CDATA section in an XML xf:output element.
  • hrule: puts an hr tag in the output. Use the style attribute to specify all rule characteristics, including height and width. This tag must not have any children.
    Any other string: generates an XML xf:group element with the type name as the appearance attribute. The CFML tag body is put in a CDATA section in a cf:attribute name="body" element. The XSL transforms provided with ColdFusion ignore these elements.




A Flash bind expression that populates the field with information from other form fields. If you use this attribute, ColdFusion ignores any text that you specify in the body of the cftextitem tag. This attribute can be useful if the cfformitem tag is in a cfformgroup type="repeater" tag. For more information, see Flash form data binding in the cfinput tag description.




Boolean value that specifies whether the control is enabled. Disabled text appear in light gray. Has no effect on spacers and rules.




Height of the item, in pixels. If you omit this attribute, Flash automatically sizes the height. In ColdFusion XSL skins, use the style attribute, instead.


Optional;Flash and XML



  • Must be a style specification in CSS format.

Ignored if the type attribute is html.
For detailed information on specifying Flash styles, see Creating Forms in Flash in the Developing ColdFusion Applications. Not used with the spacer type.

  • ColdFusion passes the style attribute to the XML. ColdFusion skins include the style attribute in the generated HTML.




Text to display when the mouse pointer hovers over the control. Has no effect on spacers.




Boolean value that specifies whether to show the control. Space that would be occupied by an invisible control is blank. Has no effect on spacers.




Width of the item, in pixels. If you omit this attribute, Flash automatically sizes the width. In ColdFusion XSL skins, use the style attribute, instead.


This tag requires an end tag or a slash before the closing end character of the opening tag, as the following example shows:

<cfformitem type="hrule" />

For more information on using this tag in Flash forms, see Creating Forms in Flash in the Developing ColdFusion Applications.


The following example shows a simple Flash form by using horizontal rules and text:

<h3>cfformitem Example</h3>
<cfform name="myform" height="450" width="500" format="Flash" >
<cfformitem type="hrule" />
<cfformitem type="text">
This simple form has two hrule cfformitem tags around the cfformitem tag that
contains this text.
<cfformitem type="hrule" />
<h3>cfformitem Example</h3> <cfform name="myform" height="450" width="500" format="Flash" > <cfformitem type="hrule" /> <cfformitem type="text"> This simple form has two hrule cfformitem tags around the cfformitem tag that contains this text. </cfformitem> <cfformitem type="hrule" /> </cfform>
<h3>cfformitem Example</h3> 
<cfform name="myform" height="450" width="500" format="Flash" > 
<cfformitem type="hrule" /> 
<cfformitem type="text"> 
This simple form has two hrule cfformitem tags around the cfformitem tag that 
contains this text. 
<cfformitem type="hrule" /> 

For a more complex form, see cfformgroup.

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