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You can find the CFFiddle demo of this function and other spreadsheet functions as part of a project that is shared with you.

Click the button below to launch CFFiddle.

To copy the project in your workspace in CFFiddle, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in with your Gmail or Facebook credentials.
  2. Navigate to the project in the left pane.
  3. Once you make some changes in any cfm in the project, a pop up displays asking you to save the project.
  4. Give the project a suitable name and click Save.


Adds a footer to the specified worksheet.



SpreadsheetSetFooter (spreadhsheetobj, left footer, center footer, right footer)
SpreadsheetSetFooter (spreadhsheetobj, left footer, center footer, right footer)
SpreadsheetSetFooter (spreadhsheetobj, left footer, center footer, right footer)

See also


ColdFusion 9: Added the function.





The Excel spreadsheet object to which to add the footer.

left footer

Adds the footer in the left side of the worksheet.

center footer

Adds the footer in the center of the worksheet.

right footer

Adds the footer in the right side of the worksheet.


The added footer appears on the printed worksheet document.  You can pass empty strings in places where you do not require footers. For example,

SpreadsheetSetFooter(excelSpreadsheetObject," ","Center footer"," ");


ArtOrders=QueryExecute("SELECT orderid,customerfirstname,customerlastname,address,total,city FROM orders
ORDER BY orderid",[],{datasource="cfartgallery"});
// Set the file path in the same location as this cfm
myFile=GetDirectoryFromPath(GetCurrentTemplatePath()) & "myexcelfile.xlsx";
// create spreadsheet object. Set xml to true as this is an xlsx file
// Set headers for the xlsx file
SpreadSheetAddRow(mySheet,"Order,First Name,Last Name,Address,Amount,City");
// Set footer to the document
SpreadsheetSetFooter(mySheet,"left footer","center footer","right footer");
<cfscript> ArtOrders=QueryExecute("SELECT orderid,customerfirstname,customerlastname,address,total,city FROM orders ORDER BY orderid",[],{datasource="cfartgallery"}); // Set the file path in the same location as this cfm myFile=GetDirectoryFromPath(GetCurrentTemplatePath()) & "myexcelfile.xlsx"; // create spreadsheet object. Set xml to true as this is an xlsx file mySheet=SpreadsheetNew("ColdFusion",true); // Set headers for the xlsx file SpreadSheetAddRow(mySheet,"Order,First Name,Last Name,Address,Amount,City"); SpreadSheetAddRows(mySheet,ArtOrders); // Set footer to the document SpreadsheetSetFooter(mySheet,"left footer","center footer","right footer"); SpreadsheetWrite(mySheet,"#myFile#",true); </cfscript>
       ArtOrders=QueryExecute("SELECT orderid,customerfirstname,customerlastname,address,total,city FROM orders
       ORDER BY orderid",[],{datasource="cfartgallery"});
       // Set the file path in the same location as this cfm
       myFile=GetDirectoryFromPath(GetCurrentTemplatePath()) & "myexcelfile.xlsx";
       // create spreadsheet object. Set xml to true as this is an xlsx file
       // Set headers for the xlsx file
       SpreadSheetAddRow(mySheet,"Order,First Name,Last Name,Address,Amount,City");
       // Set footer to the document
       SpreadsheetSetFooter(mySheet,"left footer","center footer","right footer");


spreadsheetsetfooter output
spreadsheetsetfooter output

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