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COM/DCOM is removed in Adobe ColdFusion (2025 release)


Creates a ColdFusion object of a specified type.


You can enable and disable this tag in the ColdFusion Administrator page, under ColdFusion Security > Sandbox Security.



The tag syntax depends on the object type. Some types use the type attribute; others do not. See the following sections:


On UNIX, this tag does not support COM objects.

See also

cfargumentcfcomponentcffunctioncfinvokecfinvokeargumentcfpropertycfreturnUsing Java objects in the Developing ColdFusion Applications


Adobe ColdFusion (2025 release)

  • Removed COM/DCOM. You can no longer create an object of type COM.

Adobe ColdFusion (2016 release)

Added the attribute wsversion.

Added the following NTLM attributes:

  • authType
  • ntlmDomain
  • workstation

ColdFusion 8:

  • Added password, proxyPassword, proxyPort, proxyServer, proxyUser, refreshWSDL, userName, wsdl2JavaArgs, and wsportname attributes to for use with web service objects.
  • Added .NET/dotnet type and the associated assembly, port, protocol, and secure attributes.
    ColdFusion MX:
  • Changed instantiation behavior: this tag, and the CreateObject function, can now instantiate ColdFusion components (CFCs); you can use them within the cfscript tag.
  • For CORBA object: changed the Naming Service separator format for addresses from a dot to a forward slash. For example, if "context=NameService", for a class, use either of the following formats for the classparameter:
    • "/Eng/CF"
    • ".current/Eng.current/CF"
      (In earlier releases, the format was ".Eng.CF".)
  • For CORBA object: changed the locale attribute; it specifies the Java configuration that contains the properties file.

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