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Creates a ColdFusion image. You can use the cfimage tag to perform common image manipulation operations as a shortcut to Image functions. You can use the cfimage tag independently or in conjunction with Image functions.


ColdFusion (2025 release): Added support for webp image format. View webp support in cfimage for more information.

ColdFusion 10: Added the attribute interpolation to {{cfimage action = "resize"}}

ColdFusion 8: Added this tag.


Other tag


Add a border to an image
action = "border"
source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root|URL|#cfimage variable#"
color = "hexadecimal value|web color"
destination = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root"
isBase64 = "yes|no"
name = "cfimage variable"
overwrite = "yes|no"
thickness = "number of pixels">
Create a CAPTCHA image
action = "captcha"
height = "number of pixels"
text = "text string"
width = "number of pixels"
destination = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root"
difficulty = "high|medium|low"
overwrite = "yes|no"
fonts = "comma-separated list of font names"
fontSize = "point size">
Convert an image file format
action = "convert"
destination = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root"
source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root"|URL|#cfimage variable#
isBase64 = "yes|no"
name = "cfimage variable"
overwrite = "yes|no">
Retrieve information about an image
action = "info"
source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root|URL|#cfimage variable#"
structname = "structure name"
isBase64 = "yes|no">
Read an image into memory
name = "cfimage variable"
source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root|URL|#cfimage variable#"
action = "read"
isBase64 = "yes|no">
Resize an image
action = "resize"
height = "number of pixels|percent%"
source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root|URL|#cfimage variable#"
width = "number of pixels|percent%"
destination = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root"
isBase64 = "yes|no"
name = "cfimage variable"
overwrite = "yes|no">
interpolation = "interpolation algorithm"
Rotate an image
action = "rotate"
angle = "angle in degrees"
source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root|URL|#cfimage variable#"
destination = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root"
isBase64= "yes|no"
name = "cfimage variable"
overwrite = "yes|no">
Write an image to a file
action = "write"
destination = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root"
source = "absolute or relative pathname|URL|#cfimage variable#"
isBase64= "yes|no"
overwrite = "yes|no"
quality = "JPEG image quality">
Write an image to the browser
action = "writeToBrowser"
source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root|URL|#cfimage variable#"
format = "png|jpg|jpeg|webp"
isBase64= "yes|no">
Add a border to an image <cfimage required action = "border" source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root|URL|#cfimage variable#" optional color = "hexadecimal value|web color" destination = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root" isBase64 = "yes|no" name = "cfimage variable" overwrite = "yes|no" thickness = "number of pixels"> Create a CAPTCHA image <cfimage required action = "captcha" height = "number of pixels" text = "text string" width = "number of pixels" optional destination = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root" difficulty = "high|medium|low" overwrite = "yes|no" fonts = "comma-separated list of font names" fontSize = "point size"> Convert an image file format <cfimage required action = "convert" destination = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root" source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root"|URL|#cfimage variable# optional isBase64 = "yes|no" name = "cfimage variable" overwrite = "yes|no"> Retrieve information about an image <cfimage required action = "info" source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root|URL|#cfimage variable#" structname = "structure name" optional isBase64 = "yes|no"> Read an image into memory <cfimage required name = "cfimage variable" source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root|URL|#cfimage variable#" optional action = "read" isBase64 = "yes|no"> Resize an image <cfimage required action = "resize" height = "number of pixels|percent%" source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root|URL|#cfimage variable#" width = "number of pixels|percent%" optional destination = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root" isBase64 = "yes|no" name = "cfimage variable" overwrite = "yes|no"> interpolation = "interpolation algorithm" Rotate an image <cfimage required action = "rotate" angle = "angle in degrees" source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root|URL|#cfimage variable#" optional destination = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root" isBase64= "yes|no" name = "cfimage variable" overwrite = "yes|no"> Write an image to a file <cfimage required action = "write" destination = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root" source = "absolute or relative pathname|URL|#cfimage variable#" optional isBase64= "yes|no" overwrite = "yes|no" quality = "JPEG image quality"> Write an image to the browser <cfimage required action = "writeToBrowser" source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root|URL|#cfimage variable#" optional format = "png|jpg|jpeg|webp" isBase64= "yes|no">
Add a border to an image 
action = "border" 
source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root|URL|#cfimage variable#" 
color = "hexadecimal value|web color" 
destination = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root" 
isBase64 = "yes|no" 
name = "cfimage variable" 
overwrite = "yes|no" 
thickness = "number of pixels"> 

Create a CAPTCHA image 
action = "captcha" 
height = "number of pixels" 
text = "text string" 
width = "number of pixels" 
destination = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root" 
difficulty = "high|medium|low" 
overwrite = "yes|no" 
fonts = "comma-separated list of font names" 
fontSize = "point size"> 

Convert an image file format 
action = "convert" 
destination = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root" 
source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root"|URL|#cfimage variable# 
isBase64 = "yes|no" 
name = "cfimage variable" 
overwrite = "yes|no"> 

Retrieve information about an image 
action = "info" 
source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root|URL|#cfimage variable#" 
structname = "structure name" 
isBase64 = "yes|no"> 

Read an image into memory 
name = "cfimage variable" 
source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root|URL|#cfimage variable#" 
action = "read" 
isBase64 = "yes|no"> 

Resize an image 
action = "resize" 
height = "number of pixels|percent%" 
source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root|URL|#cfimage variable#" 
width = "number of pixels|percent%" 
destination = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root" 
isBase64 = "yes|no" 
name = "cfimage variable" 
overwrite = "yes|no"> 
interpolation = "interpolation algorithm" 

Rotate an image 
action = "rotate" 
angle = "angle in degrees" 
source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root|URL|#cfimage variable#" 
destination = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root" 
isBase64= "yes|no" 
name = "cfimage variable" 
overwrite = "yes|no"> 

Write an image to a file 
action = "write" 
destination = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root" 
source = "absolute or relative pathname|URL|#cfimage variable#" 
isBase64= "yes|no" 
overwrite = "yes|no" 
quality = "JPEG image quality"> 

Write an image to the browser 
action = "writeToBrowser" 
source = "absolute pathname|pathname relative to the web root|URL|#cfimage variable#" 
format = "png|jpg|jpeg|webp" 
isBase64= "yes|no">

You can specify this tag's attributes in an attributeCollection attribute whose value is a structure. Specify the structure name in the attributeCollection attribute and use the tag's attribute names as structure keys.

See also











Action to take. Must be one of the following:

  • border
  • captcha
  • convert
  • info
  • read
  • resize
  • rotate
  • write
  • writeToBrowser
    The default action is read, which you do not need to specify explicitly.





Angle in degrees to rotate the image.Specify an integer for the value.





Border color.Hexadecimal value or supported named color; see the name list in Valid HTML named colors section. For a hexadecimal value, use the form "##xxxxxx" or "xxxxxx", where x = 0-9 or A-F; use two number signs or none.


border captcha 

Optional (see Description)


Absolute or relative pathname where the image output is written. The image format is determined by the file extension.
The convert and write actions require a destination attribute. The border, captcha, resize, and rotateactions require a name attribute or a destination attribute. You can specify both. ColdFusion supports only CAPTCHA images in PNG format.
Where the CAPTCHA image is placed depends on the following:

  • If destination is specified, image is written to the file (based on the absolute or relative pathname you specify).
  • If name is specified, image is written to the image variable.
  • If neither destination nor name is specified, image is written to the browser.





Level of complexity of the CAPTCHA text. Specify one of the following levels of text distortion:

  • low
  • medium
  • high





One or more valid fonts to use for the CAPTCHA text. Separate multiple fonts with commas. If the specified font is not available, falls back to system fonts.





Font size of the text in the CAPTCHA image.
The value must be an integer.





Format of the image displayed in the browser. If you do not specify a format, the image is displayed in PNG format.
You cannot display a GIF image in a browser. GIF images are displayed in PNG format.


captcha resize



Height in pixels of the image.
For the resize attribute, you also can specify the height as a percentage (an integer followed by the percent (%)symbol).
When you resize an image, if you specify a value for the width, you can let ColdFusion calculate the aspect ratio by specifying "" as the height.
If specified, the value must be an integer.





Specify a specific interpolation algorithm by name (for example, hamming), by image quality (for example,mediumQuality), or by performance (for example, highestPerformance). The following are the valid values:

  • highestQuality
  • highQuality
  • mediumQuality
  • highestPerformance
  • highPerformance
  • mediumPerformance
  • nearest
  • bilinear
  • bicubic
  • bessel
  • blackman
  • hamming
  • hanning
  • hermite
  • lanczos
  • mitchell
  • quadratic





Specifies whether the source is a Base64 string:

  • yes: the source is a Base64 string.
  • no: the source is not a Base64 string.



(see Description)


Name of the ColdFusion image variable to create.
The read action requires a name attribute.
The border, resize, and rotate actions require a name attribute or a destination attribute. You can specify both.





Valid only if the destination attribute is specified. The overwrite values are:

  • yes: overwrites the destination file.
  • no: does not overwrite the destination file.
    If the destination file exists, ColdFusion generates an error if the overwrite action is not set to yes.





Quality of the JPEG destination file. Applies only to files with an extension of JPG or JPEG. Valid values are fractions that range from 0 through 1 (the lower the number, the lower the quality).





  • URL of the source image; for example, "{{ }}"
  • Absolute pathname or a pathname relative to the web root; for example: "c:\images\logo.jpg"
  • ColdFusion image variable containing another image, BLOB, or byte array; for example, "#myImage#"
  • Base64 string; for example, ".............."





Name of the ColdFusion structure to be created.





Text string displayed in the CAPTCHA image. Use capital letters for better readability. Do not include spaces because users cannot detect them in the resulting CAPTCHA image.





Border thickness in pixels. The border is added to the outside edge of the source image, increasing the image area accordingly.
The value must be an integer.





Width in pixels of the image.
For resize, you also can specify the width as a percentage (an integer followed by the % symbol).
When you resize an image, if you specify a value for the height, you can let ColdFusion calculate the aspect ratio by specifying "" as the width.
If specified, the value must be an integer.


ColdFusion provides the cfimage tag and the ColdFusion image, a construct native to ColdFusion that contains image data. You can manipulate ColdFusion images in memory and write them to a file, a database, or directly to a browser. You use the cfimage tag to create ColdFusion images from existing image files and perform simple image actions, such as rotating or resizing. Alternatively, you can use theImageNew function to create a ColdFusion image from the beginning or from an existing image. You can use the Image functions to perform complex image manipulation operations on ColdFusion images that you create with the cfimage tag or with the ImageNew function.
You can perform the following tasks with ColdFusion images:

  • Convert an image from one file format to another. For example, you can convert a BMP file to a JPEG file or a Base64 string to a GIF.
  • Enforce consistent sizes on files uploaded to the server.
  • Enforce size limits on JPEG images (by changing the quality of the image).
  • Save a ColdFusion image to a file or write the image directly to a browser.
  • Use the ImageGetBlob function within the cfquery tag to insert a ColdFusion image as a Binary Large Object Bitmap (BLOB) in a database. Also, you can extract a BLOB from a database and generate a ColdFusion image from it.
  • Create watermark images.
  • Create thumbnail images.
  • Create a Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA) image, a distorted text image that is human-readable, but not machine-readable, used in a challenge-response test for preventing spam.
    For more detailed examples, see Creating and Manipulating ColdFusion Images in the Developing ColdFusion Applications.

File attributes

Use the following syntax to specify an in-memory file, which is not written to disk in the destination and source attributes. In-memory files speed processing of transient data.


The filepath can include directories, for example ram:///petStore/images/poodle.jpg. Create the directories in the path before you specify the file. For more information on using in-memory files, see Working with in-memory files in Optimizing ColdFusion applications in the Developing ColdFusion Applications.

Supported image file formats

The cfimage tag operates on a number of different file formats. To list the formats that are supported on the server where the ColdFusion application is deployed, use the GetReadableImageFormats function and the GetWriteableImageFormats function.ColdFusion supports the following default image formats on Macintosh, Windows, and Unix operating systems:

  • JPEG
  • GIF
  • WEBP
  • TIFF
  • PNG
  • BMP

ColdFusion does not support the following image formats:

  • Animated GIF
  • Multipage TIFF
  • PSD
  • AI

CMYK support

The cfimage tag supports reading and writing CMYK images, but does not support actions that require converting the images. For example, you can use CMYK images with the read, write, writeToBrowser, resize, rotate, and info actions. You cannot use CMYK images with the convert, captcha, and border actions. The same rule applies to image functions. For example, the ImageNew, ImageRead, and ImageWrite functions support CMYK images, but the ImageAddBorder function does not.

Valid HTML named colors

The following table lists the W3C HTML 4 named color value or hexadecimal values that the color attribute accepts:

Color name

RGB value



























For all other color values, enter the hexadecimal value. Enter a six-digit value, which specifies the RGB value. Values between 00 and FF are allowed.

Image quality

By default, the cfimage tag generates images with antialiasing turned on (to remove the appearance of jagged edges). The interpolation method is set to highestQuality: this produces a high-quality image, but decreases processing speed. To turn off antialiasing, use the ImageSetAntialiasing function. To change the interpolation method or for more control over image attributes, use the following functions:

  • border action Use the border action to create a rectangular border around the outer edge of an image. You can control the thickness of the border and its color. For more control, use the ImageAddBorder function. The following example shows how to set the thickness and color of a border:

<!--- This example shows how to create a ColdFusion image from an existing JPEG file, add a
five-pixel-wide red border to the image, and save it to a new JPEG file. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff05.jpg" action="border" thickness="5"
destination="jeff05.jpg" color="red" overwrite="yes">
<!--- This example shows how to create a ColdFusion image from an existing JPEG file, add a five-pixel-wide red border to the image, and save it to a new JPEG file. ---> <cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff05.jpg" action="border" thickness="5" destination="jeff05.jpg" color="red" overwrite="yes">
<!--- This example shows how to create a ColdFusion image from an existing JPEG file, add a
five-pixel-wide red border to the image, and save it to a new JPEG file. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff05.jpg" action="border" thickness="5"
destination="jeff05.jpg" color="red" overwrite="yes">
  • captcha action Use the captchaaction to create a distorted text image that is human-readable but not machine-readable. When you create a CAPTCHA image, you specify the text that is displayed in the CAPTCHA image; ColdFusion randomly distorts the text. You can specify the height and width of the text area, which affects the spacing between letters, the font size, the fonts used for the CAPTCHA text, and the level of difficulty, which affects readability. The following example shows how to write a CAPTCHA image directly to the browser:
<cfimage action="captcha" fontSize="25" width="400" height="150" text="rEadMe"
fonts="Arial,Verdana,Courier New">
<cfimage action="captcha" fontSize="25" width="400" height="150" text="rEadMe" fonts="Arial,Verdana,Courier New">
<cfimage action="captcha" fontSize="25" width="400" height="150" text="rEadMe"
fonts="Arial,Verdana,Courier New">
For the CAPTCHA image to display, the width value must be greater than: fontSize times the number of characters specified in text times 1.08. In this example, the minimum width is 162.

ColdFusion supports CAPTCHA images in PNG format only.

Use unique names for the CAPTCHA image files so that when multiple users access the CAPTCHA images, the files are not overwritten.

The following example shows how to create CAPTCHA images with a medium level of difficulty that are written to files:

<!--- Use the GetTickCount function to generate unique names for the CAPTCHA files. --->
<cfset tc = GetTickCount()>
<cfimage action="captcha" fontSize="15" width="180" height="50" text="rEadMe"
destination="images/rEadMe#tc#.png" difficulty="medium">
<!--- Use the GetTickCount function to generate unique names for the CAPTCHA files. ---> <cfset tc = GetTickCount()> <cfimage action="captcha" fontSize="15" width="180" height="50" text="rEadMe" destination="images/rEadMe#tc#.png" difficulty="medium">
<!--- Use the GetTickCount function to generate unique names for the CAPTCHA files. --->
<cfset tc = GetTickCount()> 
<cfimage action="captcha" fontSize="15" width="180" height="50" text="rEadMe"
destination="images/rEadMe#tc#.png" difficulty="medium">

For a detailed example, see the Creating and Manipulating ColdFusion Images in the Developing ColdFusion Applications.

  • convert action Use the convertaction to convert an image from one file format to another. For more information on file formats, see the section Supported image file formats. The following example shows how to convert a JPEG file to a PNG file:
<!--- This example shows how to convert a JPEG image to a PNG image. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/aiden02.jpg" action="convert"
<!--- This example shows how to convert a JPEG image to a PNG image. ---> <cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/aiden02.jpg" action="convert" destination="aiden02.png">
<!--- This example shows how to convert a JPEG image to a PNG image. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/aiden02.jpg" action="convert"

Converting images between one file format to another is time-consuming. Also, image quality can degrade; for example, PNG images support 24-bit color, but GIF images support only 256 colors. Converting transparent images (images with alpha) can degrade image quality.

  • info action Use the info action to create a ColdFusion structure that contains information about the image, including the color model, height, width, and source of the image. The structure is the same as returned by the ImageInfo function. The following example shows how to retrieve all of the information about an image:
<!--- This example shows how to retrieve and display image information. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/viata03.jpg" action="info" structName="viatoInfo">
<cfdump var="#viatoInfo#">
<!--- Alternatively, you can use the cfoutput tag to display specific image information, as
shown in the following example. --->
<p>height: #viatoInfo.height# pixels</p>
<p>width: #viatoInfo.width# pixels</p>
<p>source: #viatoInfo.source#</p>
<p>transparency: #viatoInfo.colormodel.transparency#</p>
<p>pixel size: #viatoInfo.colormodel.pixel_size#</p>
<p>color model: #viatoInfo.colormodel.colormodel_type#</p>
<p>alpha channel support: #viatoInfo.colormodel.alpha_channel_support#</p>
<p>color space: #viatoInfo.colormodel.colorspace#</p>
<!--- This example shows how to retrieve and display image information. ---> <cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/viata03.jpg" action="info" structName="viatoInfo"> <cfdump var="#viatoInfo#"> <!--- Alternatively, you can use the cfoutput tag to display specific image information, as shown in the following example. ---> <cfoutput> <p>height: #viatoInfo.height# pixels</p> <p>width: #viatoInfo.width# pixels</p> <p>source: #viatoInfo.source#</p> <p>transparency: #viatoInfo.colormodel.transparency#</p> <p>pixel size: #viatoInfo.colormodel.pixel_size#</p> <p>color model: #viatoInfo.colormodel.colormodel_type#</p> <p>alpha channel support: #viatoInfo.colormodel.alpha_channel_support#</p> <p>color space: #viatoInfo.colormodel.colorspace#</p> </cfoutput>
<!--- This example shows how to retrieve and display image information. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/viata03.jpg" action="info" structName="viatoInfo"> 
<cfdump var="#viatoInfo#"> 
<!--- Alternatively, you can use the cfoutput tag to display specific image information, as 
shown in the following example. --->
<p>height: #viatoInfo.height# pixels</p> 
<p>width: #viatoInfo.width# pixels</p> 
<p>source: #viatoInfo.source#</p> 
<p>transparency: #viatoInfo.colormodel.transparency#</p> 
<p>pixel size: #viatoInfo.colormodel.pixel_size#</p> 
<p>color model: #viatoInfo.colormodel.colormodel_type#</p> 
<p>alpha channel support: #viatoInfo.colormodel.alpha_channel_support#</p> 
<p>color space: #viatoInfo.colormodel.colorspace#</p> 
  • read action Use the read action to read an image from the specified local file pathname or URL, and create a ColdFusion image in memory. You can use the ColdFusion image variable as the source for another cfimage tag or for Image functions. The read action performs the same operation as the ImageRead function. The following example shows how to create a ColdFusion image from a JPEG file and manipulate it using the ImageGrayscalefunction:
<!--- This code shows how to create a ColdFusion image from a JPEG file.
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff01.jpg" name="myImage">
<!--- This code shows how to convert the image to grayscale. --->
<cfset ImageGrayscale(myImage)>
<!--- This code shows how to write the grayscale image to a JPEG file. --->
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="write" destination="myGrayscaleImage.jpg" overwrite="yes">
<!--- This code shows how to create a ColdFusion image from a JPEG file. ---> <cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff01.jpg" name="myImage"> <!--- This code shows how to convert the image to grayscale. ---> <cfset ImageGrayscale(myImage)> <!--- This code shows how to write the grayscale image to a JPEG file. ---> <cfimage source="#myImage#" action="write" destination="myGrayscaleImage.jpg" overwrite="yes">
<!--- This code shows how to create a ColdFusion image from a JPEG file. 
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff01.jpg" name="myImage"> 
<!--- This code shows how to convert the image to grayscale. --->
<cfset ImageGrayscale(myImage)> 
<!--- This code shows how to write the grayscale image to a JPEG file. --->
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="write" destination="myGrayscaleImage.jpg" overwrite="yes">
  • resize action Use the resizeaction to resize an image to the specified height and width. You can specify the height and width in pixels or as a percentage:
<!--- This example shows how to specify the height and width of an image in pixels. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff01.jpg" action="resize" width="100" height="100" destination="jeff01_thumbnail.jpg" overwrite="yes">
<!--- This example shows how to specify the height and width of an image as percentages. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff02.jpg" action="resize"
width="50%" height="50%" destination="jeff02_thumbnail.jpg" overwrite="yes">
<!--- This example shows how to specify the height of an image in pixels and its width as a
percentage. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff03.jpg" action="resize"
width="50%" height="100" destination="jeff03_thumbnail.jpg" overwrite="yes">
<!--- This example shows how to specify the height and width of an image in pixels. ---> <cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff01.jpg" action="resize" width="100" height="100" destination="jeff01_thumbnail.jpg" overwrite="yes"> <!--- This example shows how to specify the height and width of an image as percentages. ---> <cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff02.jpg" action="resize" width="50%" height="50%" destination="jeff02_thumbnail.jpg" overwrite="yes"> <!--- This example shows how to specify the height of an image in pixels and its width as a percentage. ---> <cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff03.jpg" action="resize" width="50%" height="100" destination="jeff03_thumbnail.jpg" overwrite="yes">
<!--- This example shows how to specify the height and width of an image in pixels. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff01.jpg" action="resize" width="100" height="100" destination="jeff01_thumbnail.jpg" overwrite="yes"> 
<!--- This example shows how to specify the height and width of an image as percentages. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff02.jpg" action="resize"
width="50%" height="50%" destination="jeff02_thumbnail.jpg" overwrite="yes"> 
<!--- This example shows how to specify the height of an image in pixels and its width as a 
percentage. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff03.jpg" action="resize"
width="50%" height="100" destination="jeff03_thumbnail.jpg" overwrite="yes">

For more control of resize attributes, use the ImageResize function.

  • rotate action Use the rotateaction to rotate an image by degrees:

<!--- This example shows how to rotate an image by 30 degrees. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/maxwell01.jpg" action="rotate" angle="30"
<!--- Display the rotated image in a browser. --->
<cfimage source="#maxwellAngle#" action="writeToBrowser">
<!--- This example shows how to rotate an image by 30 degrees. ---> <cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/maxwell01.jpg" action="rotate" angle="30" name="maxwellAngle"> <!--- Display the rotated image in a browser. ---> <cfimage source="#maxwellAngle#" action="writeToBrowser">
<!--- This example shows how to rotate an image by 30 degrees. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/maxwell01.jpg" action="rotate" angle="30"
<!--- Display the rotated image in a browser. --->
<cfimage source="#maxwellAngle#" action="writeToBrowser">

For more control of the rotate attributes, use the ImageRotate function.

  • write action Use the write action to write an image to the specified path. The new image is converted to the file type specified in the destination attribute. The write action performs the same operation as the ImageWrite function. When you write an image to a JPEG file, the image quality is set to 75% of the original image by default. To control the image size, use the quality attribute of the write action.
    You can use the write action to change the quality of a JPEG image to reduce file size. The following example shows how to change image quality to .5:
<!--- This example shows how to create a PNG file from a JPEG file by using the write action. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/aiden01.jpg" action="write"
<!--- This example shows how to create a low-quality JPEG image. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff05.jpg" action="write"
destination="jeff05_lq.jpg" quality=".5">
<!--- This example shows how to write a JPEG file to a new location. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff05.jpg" action="write"
<!--- This example shows how to create a PNG file from a JPEG file by using the write action. ---> <cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/aiden01.jpg" action="write" destination="aiden01.png"> <!--- This example shows how to create a low-quality JPEG image. ---> <cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff05.jpg" action="write" destination="jeff05_lq.jpg" quality=".5"> <!--- This example shows how to write a JPEG file to a new location. ---> <cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff05.jpg" action="write" destination="jeff05.jpg">
<!--- This example shows how to create a PNG file from a JPEG file by using the write action. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/aiden01.jpg" action="write"
<!--- This example shows how to create a low-quality JPEG image. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff05.jpg" action="write"
destination="jeff05_lq.jpg" quality=".5"> 
<!--- This example shows how to write a JPEG file to a new location. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff05.jpg" action="write"
  • writeToBrowser action Use the writeToBrowseraction to display one or more ColdFusion images directly to the browser without writing them to files. Images are displayed in PNG format. The following example shows how to reduce the size of an image and display it in the browser:
<!--- This example shows how to create a ColdFusion image from a JPEG file, resize it, and
then display it in the browser as a PNG image. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff05.jpg" action="resize"
width="50%" height="50%" name="smLogo">
<cfimage source="#smLogo#" action="writeToBrowser">
<!--- This example shows how to create a ColdFusion image from a JPEG file, resize it, and then display it in the browser as a PNG image. ---> <cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff05.jpg" action="resize" width="50%" height="50%" name="smLogo"> <cfimage source="#smLogo#" action="writeToBrowser">
<!--- This example shows how to create a ColdFusion image from a JPEG file, resize it, and 
then display it in the browser as a PNG image. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff05.jpg" action="resize"
width="50%" height="50%" name="smLogo"> 
<cfimage source="#smLogo#" action="writeToBrowser">


This example shows how to create a ColdFusion image and manipulate it by using Image functions:

<!--- Create the ColdFusion image variable "myImage" from a JPEG file. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff05.jpg" name="myImage">
<!--- Pass the ColdFusion image to the Image functions to blur the image by a radius of 5,
flip the image 90 degrees, and convert the image to grayscale. --->
<cfset ImageBlur(myImage,5)>
<cfset ImageFlip(myImage,"90")>
<cfset ImageGrayscale(myImage)>
<!--- Write the transformed image to a browser. --->
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="writeToBrowser">
<!--- Create the ColdFusion image variable "myImage" from a JPEG file. ---> <cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff05.jpg" name="myImage"> <!--- Pass the ColdFusion image to the Image functions to blur the image by a radius of 5, flip the image 90 degrees, and convert the image to grayscale. ---> <cfset ImageBlur(myImage,5)> <cfset ImageFlip(myImage,"90")> <cfset ImageGrayscale(myImage)> <!--- Write the transformed image to a browser. ---> <cfimage source="#myImage#" action="writeToBrowser">
<!--- Create the ColdFusion image variable "myImage" from a JPEG file. --->
<cfimage source="../cfdocs/images/artgallery/jeff05.jpg" name="myImage"> 
<!--- Pass the ColdFusion image to the Image functions to blur the image by a radius of 5, 
flip the image 90 degrees, and convert the image to grayscale. --->
<cfset ImageBlur(myImage,5)> 
<cfset ImageFlip(myImage,"90")> 
<cfset ImageGrayscale(myImage)> 
<!--- Write the transformed image to a browser. --->
<cfimage source="#myImage#" action="writeToBrowser">

WebP image support

WebP is an image format that provides higher compression for images on the web. It supports both lossy and lossless compression.

Key Features of WebP

  • Lossy and lossless compression: WebP can compress images using either lossy or lossless methods, achieving smaller file sizes compared to traditional formats like JPEG and PNG.
  • Transparency: WebP supports transparent images, similar to PNG, which is useful for images with clear backgrounds or overlay graphics.
  • Animation: WebP can also handle animated images, providing an alternative to GIFs with better compression and quality.
  • Wide support: Modern web browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera support WebP, making it a practical choice for web developers.
  • Efficient compression: WebP typically results in smaller file sizes compared to JPEG, PNG, and GIF formats while maintaining similar or better image quality. This efficiency can lead to faster website loading times and reduced bandwidth usage.

Using cfimage’s read and write actions, you can read a webp file, apply image processing, and write the modified file back to disk.


<cfset imagePath = "fire.webp">
<cfimage action="read" source="#imagePath#" name="myImage">
Image read successfully.
<cfcatch type="image">
<!--- Apply blurring to the image --->
<cfset ImageBlur(myImage,10)>
<cfimage action="write" source="#myImage#" destination="blurred_fire.webp" overwrite="true">
Image blurred successfully.
<cfcatch type="image">
<cfset imagePath = "fire.webp"> <cftry> <cfimage action="read" source="#imagePath#" name="myImage"> <cfoutput> Image read successfully. </cfoutput> <cfcatch type="image"> <cfoutput> #cfcatch.message# </cfoutput> </cfcatch> </cftry> <!--- Apply blurring to the image ---> <cfset ImageBlur(myImage,10)> <cftry> <cfimage action="write" source="#myImage#" destination="blurred_fire.webp" overwrite="true"> <cfoutput> Image blurred successfully. </cfoutput> <cfcatch type="image"> <cfoutput> #cfcatch.message# </cfoutput> </cfcatch> </cftry>
<cfset imagePath = "fire.webp"> 
    <cfimage action="read" source="#imagePath#" name="myImage">
        Image read successfully.
    <cfcatch type="image">
<!--- Apply blurring to the image --->
<cfset ImageBlur(myImage,10)>
    <cfimage action="write" source="#myImage#" destination="blurred_fire.webp" overwrite="true">
        Image blurred successfully.
    <cfcatch type="image">

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