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Tests whether a value meets a validation or data type rule.


True, if the value conforms to the rule; False, otherwise.


Decision functions

Function syntax

IsValid(type, value)
isValid("range", value, min, max)
isValid("regex" or "regular_expression", value, pattern)
IsValid(type, value) isValid("range", value, min, max) isValid("regex" or "regular_expression", value, pattern)
IsValid(type, value) 
isValid("range", value, min, max) 
isValid("regex" or "regular_expression", value, pattern)

See also

cfparam cfform IsBooleanIsDateIsNumericIsSimpleValueValidating data with the IsValid function and the cfparam tag in the Developing ColdFusion Applications


ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 3: Added datetime_object as type.

ColdFusion 11: Behavioral change

Prior to ColdFusion 11,  this function allowed currency symbols at the start and commas inside the number. Starting from ColdFusion 11, this function evaluates on a more strict basis. To revert to the old behavior use the application-level setting STRICTNUMBERVALIDATION to false. 

ColdFusion 8: Added the component value for to the type parameter.

ColdFusion MX 7: Added this function.





The valid format for the data; one of the following. For detailed information on validation algorithms, see Validating form data using hidden fields in the Developing ColdFusion Applications.

  • array: a ColdFusion array; equivalent to the IsArray function.
  • any: any data type.
  • binary: a binary value;; equivalent to the IsBinary function.
  • boolean: a Boolean value: yes, no, true, false, or a number; equivalent to the IsBoolean function.
  • component: a ColdFusion component (CFC).
  • creditcard : a 13-16 digit number conforming to the mod10 algorithm.
  • date or time: any date-time value, including dates or times; equivalent to the IsNumericDate function.
  • datetime_object: any valid ColdFusion date/time object.
  • email: a valid email address. You can also pass IPV6 format values. Supports RFC standards for validating an enail address. For more information, see Valid email addresses. If it is a valid email address, isValid returns True.
  • eurodate : any date-time value, including US date formats and time values,
  • float: a floating point value.
  • function: any UDF.
  • numeric: a numeric value; equivalent to the IsNumeric function.
  • guid : a Universally Unique Identifier of the form " XXXXXXXX -XXXX-XXXX-XXXX- XXXXXXXXXXXX " where X is a hexadecimal number.
  • integer: an integer.
  • query : a query object; equivalent to the IsQuery function.
  • range: a numeric range, specified by the min and max parameters.
  • regex or regular_expression: matches input against pattern parameter.
  • ssn or social_security_number: A U.S. social security number.
  • string: a string value, including single characters and numbers
  • struct: a structure; equivalent to the IsStruct function.
  • telephone: a standard US telephone number.
  • URL: an http , https, ftp , file, mailto , or news URL. You can also pass IPV6 format values.
  • UUID: a ColdFusion Universally Unique Identifier, formatted XXXXXXXX -XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, where X is a hexadecimal number. See CreateUUID.
  • USdate : a U.S. date of the format mm/dd/yy, with 1-2 digit days and months, 1-4 digit years.
  • variableName: a string formatted according to ColdFusion variable naming conventions.
  • xml: any xml object.
  • zipcode: U.S., 5- or 9-digit format ZIP codes.


The value to test


The minimum valid value; used only for range validation


The maximum valid value; used only for range validation


A JavaScript regular expression that the parameter must match; used only for regex or regular_expression validation.


The IsValid function lets you assure that validation is performed on the server. You can use the  cfparam  tag to perform equivalent validation.


The following example checks whether a user has submitted a numeric ID and a valid e-mail address and phone number. If any of the submitted values does not meet the validation test, it displays an error message.

<cfif isDefined("form.saveSubmit")>
<cfif isValid("integer", form.UserID) and isValid("email", form.emailAddr)
and isValid("telephone", form.phoneNo)>
<!--- Application code to update the database goes here --->
<h3>The email address and phone number for user #Form.UserID#
have been added</h3>
<H3>You must supply a valid User ID, phone number, and email address.</H2>
<cfform action="#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#">
User ID:<cfinput type="Text" name="UserID"><br>
Phone: <cfinput type="Text" name="phoneNo"><br>
email: <cfinput type="Text" name="emailAddr"><br>
<cfinput type="submit" name="saveSubmit" value="Save Data"><br>
<cfif isDefined("form.saveSubmit")> <cfif isValid("integer", form.UserID) and isValid("email", form.emailAddr) and isValid("telephone", form.phoneNo)> <cfoutput> <!--- Application code to update the database goes here ---> <h3>The email address and phone number for user #Form.UserID# have been added</h3> </cfoutput> <cfelse> <H3>You must supply a valid User ID, phone number, and email address.</H2> </cfif> <cfelse> </cfif> <cfform action="#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#"> User ID:<cfinput type="Text" name="UserID"><br> Phone: <cfinput type="Text" name="phoneNo"><br> email: <cfinput type="Text" name="emailAddr"><br> <cfinput type="submit" name="saveSubmit" value="Save Data"><br> </cfform>
<cfif isDefined("form.saveSubmit")> 
<cfif isValid("integer", form.UserID) and isValid("email", form.emailAddr) 
and isValid("telephone", form.phoneNo)> 
<!--- Application code to update the database goes here ---> 
<h3>The email address and phone number for user #Form.UserID# 
have been added</h3> 
<H3>You must supply a valid User ID, phone number, and email address.</H2> 

<cfform action="#CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#"> 
User ID:<cfinput type="Text" name="UserID"><br> 
Phone: <cfinput type="Text" name="phoneNo"><br> 
email: <cfinput type="Text" name="emailAddr"><br> 
<cfinput type="submit" name="saveSubmit" value="Save Data"><br> 

In ColdFusion 11, the isValid function behaves in a different way. Setting strictnumbervalidation to false makes the isValid function to behave in a way just like in the previous versions (ColdFusion 10 or earlier). Starting from ColdFusion 11, a more strict approach will be followed for validation. However,  if you need the isValid function behavior to be of ColdFusion 10, set the key/tag attribute strictnumbervalidation to false in application cfc/cfm.



<cfapplication name="hello" STRICTNUMBERVALIDATION="false" >
<cfapplication name="hello" STRICTNUMBERVALIDATION="false" >
<cfapplication name="hello" STRICTNUMBERVALIDATION="false" >


<cfcomponent> <cfscript> { this.STRICTNUMBERVALIDATION = false; } </cfscript> </cfcomponent>



// check if 50 is an integer
writeOutput(isValid("integer",50)) // Yes
// check if 3.14 is a numeric
writeOutput(isValid("numeric",3.14)) // Yes
// check if it is a valid url
writeOutput(isValid("URL","")) // Yes
<cfscript> // check if 50 is an integer writeOutput(isValid("integer",50)) // Yes // check if 3.14 is a numeric writeOutput(isValid("numeric",3.14)) // Yes // check if it is a valid url writeOutput(isValid("URL","")) // Yes </cfscript>
    // check if 50 is an integer
    writeOutput(isValid("integer",50)) // Yes
    // check if 3.14 is a numeric
    writeOutput(isValid("numeric",3.14)) // Yes
    // check if it is a valid url
    writeOutput(isValid("URL","")) // Yes

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