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Control nodes | Substance 3D Designer

Control nodes

This page describes nodes of Function graphs which purpose is controlling the flow of execution.

If...Else node


Similarly to programming langages, the If... Else node introduces the possibility to filter the result according to predefined conditions.

You will use this node in conjunction with the Logical nodes and the Comparison nodes that will help you build the condition to check.

Sequence node


Ensures a portion of the graph is computed before another one.

This is critical for controlling the state of variables are they are created, read and updated.

You may learn more about the Sequence node in the Using the Set/Sequence nodes page of this documentation.

Whle Loop node

While Loop

Executes the Init branch once, then iterates over the Exit Cond. and Loop Body branches until the Exit Cond. branch returns True.

Once the loop is completed, the node outputs the result of the Loop Body's last iteration.

Loops have an implicit maximum number of iterations which can be disabled by setting it to -1.

Variables retain their value across iterations, and can be accessed in the exit condition (Exit Cond.).
This means you may add to an index value every iteration and check its value in the exit condition to control the number of loops you need.


Nodes connected to the Exit Cond. and Loop Body branches cannot be connected to other branches of the graph.

Check out this tutorial about the While Loop node:

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