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Cracks Weathering | Substance 3D Designer

Cracks Weathering

Cracks Weathering

In: Mesh Based Generators/Weathering



This is a full-material effect that works on multiple channels at once. It adds a random crack pattern, with control over spread and depth.

Make sure to properly understand the Link Creation Modes when working with full materials.



  • Curvature: Grayscale Input
    Baked or generated map used for internal effects and masking.
  • Height : Grayscale Input
    Baked or generated map used for internal effects and masking.
  • Mask : Grayscale Input
    Mask slot used for masking the node's effects. Can be toggled with the "Mask" parameter.


  • Channels
    • Toggle material channels on and off in this group, for example when using Specular/Glossiness maps instead of Metallic/Roughness.
  • Advanced
    • Normal Format: DirectX, OpenGL
      Switches between different Normalmap formats (inverts the green channel).
    • Mask: False/True
      Toggles the use of the Mask map on or off.
  • Effect
    • Cracks Propagation: 0.0 - 1.0
      How far the cracks should spread. This is the main control for this effect.
    • Cracks Depth: 0.0 - 1.0
      Depth of the crack effect. This mostly affects height and slightly affects visula thickness.
  • Blending
    • Controls how strongly the effect blends into each resulting channel.

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