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RT Irradiance | Substance 3D Designer

RT Irradiance

In: Filters/Effects



Generates ray traced irradiance on a height map input generated from an environment map and an emissive map. Can be used to "bake" lighting into a texture inside a graph. Used for fake global illumination and glow.This node should not be used in combination with the CPU (SSE) engine due to computation time. Returns two maps: one Irradiance output where the irradiance is applied to the material inputs, one raw irradiance map containing just the calculated irradiance values.



  • Height: Grayscale input
    Height is the only required input from the material slot. Without it, the node will not function well.
  • Emissive: Color input
    Emissive should be in a format where pure black emits no light, any other colored value emits light. Alpha is ignored. A connection to this slot, or the Environment slot is required to see any result.
  • Environment: Color Input
    HDR Lighting environment to compute the irradiance with. A connection to this slot, or the Emissive slot is required to see any result.


  • Height Scale: 0.0 - 1.0
    Scale to interpret height at. Affects entire scene look.
  • Quality: 32 rays, 64 rays, 128 rays
    Determines result quality, but also affects performance. Less rays means more noise.
  • Compute Bounces: False/True
    Toggle computing of bounces. Affects quality and speed.
  • Environment Rotation: 0.0 - 1.0
    Rotate the environment around.
  • Environment Exposure (EV): -4.0 - 4.0
    Exposure value to use for environment, affects total brightness of effect.
  • Emissive Intensity: 0.0 - 20.0
    Multiplier for the Emissive input, affects strength of irradiance from emissive.
  • Emissive Color Space: sRGB, Linear
    Colorspace used to interpret the Enissive input.
  • IBL Shadows in Raw Irradiance Alpha: False/True
    Toggle wether to add Shadows to the
  • Emissive LOD Bias: -1.0 - 1.0
    Tune Quality of the emissive irradiance. Lower value means more noise.

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