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Dot node (also Portal) | Substance 3D Designer

Dot node icon

The Dot node is a helper that lets you simplify and clean up graphs by rerouting and grouping connections. It is especially useful for graphs with many long connections running over other connections or nodes.

A pair of Dot nodes can be used as portals to hide a connection going over a long distance, or in places where routing the connection would be challenging.

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Creating Dot nodes

Dot nodes may be added in any graph type, in any of the following ways:


When a Dot node is created, its 'Name' property automatically gains focus so you can immediately edit the node's name.

Merging links

Press ALT and move a Dot node over links to merge multiple node connections together.

Merging links


Dot node as portal - icon

Dot nodes can be used as portals to send data over a long distance in the graph without having a cumbersome long link that hurts readability. This effectively hides the link between Dot nodes.

Dot node as portal

Creating portals

A portal is automatically created between two Dot nodes – a transmitter and a receiver – when the transmitter Dot node is named. Naming a Dot node is done by setting a unique identifier in its Name property.

When one or more named Dot nodes exist in a graph, any Dot node can be connected to it as a receiver by:

  • Creating a link between the receiver's input and a transmitter's output;
  • Selecting the transmitter's name in the receiver's Input Portal property.

Duplicating or copying receivers preserves their connection to the transmitter as a portal.

Identifying portals

Dot nodes used as portals have a wireless signal icon placed next to the connector used as a portal.

Selecting any Dot node used as a portal displays its hidden connections to other portals as a dashed line.

Deleting portals

A portal is deleted when the transmitter's Name is cleared, or when the hidden connection is deleted by:

  • Selecting a portal, then selecting the hidden connection and deleting it;
  • Selecting the receiver and pressing the X button next to the Input Portal drop down in the Properties.

Using Dot nodes as portals is not supported in FX-Map graphs.

Check out this tutorial about Dot nodes as portals:

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