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Shape Stroke | Substance 3D Designer

Shape Stroke

Shape Stroke (Grayscale)

In: Filters/Effects



Adds a stroke or outline around a black and white mask (for the grayscale version) or a shape with an alpha channel (for the color version), as you might be familiar with from other 2D Image editing applications. Can be seen as a more complete version of Edge Detect.

Very useful for a variety of image editing effects.


  • Width: -1.0 - 1.0
    Width of the stroke effect.
  • Opacity: 0.0 - 1.0
    Global Opacity of the effect.
  • (Outline) Color: (Color value)
    Color used for the outline effect.
  • Mask Color: (Color value) (Grayscale Version Only)
    Solid color to be used for the transparency mapped output.
  • Input Is Pre-Multiplied: False/True (Color Version Only)
    Whether the input should be assumed as pre-multiplied.
  • Pre-Multiply Output: False/True
    Whether the output should be pre-multiplied.

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