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Panorama Shape | Substance 3D Designer

Panorama Shape

Panorama Shape

In: Texture Generators/Patterns



This is a helpful node for generating procedural "Studio"-type panorama maps. Allows you to place and modify spotlight images, as well as set their HDR properties. It can be chained together for multiple shapes.


  • Shape Matrix
    Moves or translates the result, can be modified by directly interacting with the canvas.
  • Shape: square, disc
    Sets Shape type.
  • Shape Color: (Color value)
    Sets Shape color.
  • Shape Intensity: 0.0 - 100.0
    Sets HDR-intensity of the shape.
  • Shape Soft Border: 0.0 - 1.0
    Changes the shape's border softness.
  • Hotspot Intensity: 0.0 - 100.0
    Sets HDR-intensity of the shape's hotspot.
  • Hotspot Size: 0.0 - 1.0
    Changes the size of the hotspot within the shape.
  • Hotspot Falloff: 0.0 - 1.0
    Changes the falloff, edge blending of the hotspot.
  • Hotspot Position: 0.0 - 1.0
    Moves the hotspot in relation to the shape.
  • Enable Backgound: False/True
    Enables filling of the background with a solid color. Note that this means you can no longer chain them together by blending.
  • Background Color: (Color value)
    Sets background solid color.
  • Enable Texture Input: False/True
    Allows for a custom input instead of a predefined shape type.

Example Images

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