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Edge Damages | Substance 3D Designer

Edge Damages

Edge Damages

In: Mesh Based Generators/Mask Generators



Generates a black and white mask based on baked maps and user settings. Similar to Smart Masks in Painter.

This mask represents damage done to raised, convex edges based on curvature and baked AO.



  • Curvature: Grayscale Input
    Baked map used for effect placement. Required!
  • Ambient Occlusion: Grayscale Input
    Baked map used for effect placement. Required!
  • Mask (optional): Grayscale Input
    Mask slot used for masking the node's effects.


  • Level: 0.0 - 1.0
    Amount of edge damage to apply.
  • Contrast: 0.0 - 1.0
    Adjusts the contrast of the result.
  • Damages Intensity: 0.0 - 1.0
    Shifts between a chipped, consistent look and a chaotic, scratched, heavily damaged look.

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