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Triangle Grid | Substance 3D Designer

In: Texture Generators > Patterns


The Triangle Grid node generates a grayscale representation of a triangulated surface out of vertices in 3D space, using a Z-down orthographic projection.

The Color Output parameter lets you select the data used for the representation, resulting in various visual styles.
The positions of the vertices may be adjusted, which impacts the generated mesh.

Input connectors




The grayscale image input used to map the height – i.e., Z position – of the vertices.

The influence of this input is controlled by the 'Height Input Multiplier' parameter.

Vector map


The color image input used to map the displacement of the vertices on the X and Y axes.

The X/Y offsets are mapped to the R/G channels of the image respectively.

The influence of this input is controlled by the 'Vector Map Displacement' parameter.

Color input


The color image input used to map the color of the vertices, segments or triangles.

This input is used when the 'Color Source' parameter is set to 'Color Input'.

Output connectors



The output image.


Color Output


The method of representing the triangulated surface:

  • Per Vertex: a color is assigned to each vertex and interpolated across the triangle's surface
  • Per Triangle: a flat color is assigned to each triangle
  • Thin Line: applies an outline to the segments between vertices
  • Distance to Edge: renders the distance to the closest segment on each triangle
  • Center: renders the normalized distance to each triangle's barycenter



Sets the triangulation method for the surface, i.e. which pair of opposing vertices in a quad should be connected:

  • Auto: automatically selects the pair of vertices resulting in triangles facing the least away from the camera
    45°: connect opposing vertices resulting in a line turned 45 degrees relative to the X-right axis
  • -45°: connect opposing vertices resulting in a line turned -45 degrees relative to the X-right axis
  • Quincux horizontal: alternate the triangulation orientation every other row of vertices
  • Quincux vertical: alternate the triangulation orientation every other column of vertices

X Amount


The amount of vertices generated on the X axis.

Y Amount


The amount of vertices generated on the Y axis.

Random Position Multiplier


Adjusts the intensity of the main warping effect.

Random Position


Adjusts the intensity of the random offset applied to the X and Y positions of each vertex, relatively to the size of their cell in the grid.


This offset stacks with the Quincux Offset and Vector Map Displacement parameters.

Vector Map Displacement


Adjusts the global amount of displacement applied to each vertex using the values sampled from the Vector Map input.


This offset stacks with the Random Position and Quincux Offset parameters.

Quincux Offset X


Applies the specified amount of offset to every other row of vertices, relatively to the size of their cell in the grid.


This offset stacks with the Random Position and Vector Map Displacement parameters.

Quincux Offset Y


Applies the specified amount of offset to every other column of vertices, relatively to the size of their cell in the grid.


This offset stacks with the Random Position and Vector Map Displacement parameters.



Applies the specified amount of rotation to each vertex around its base position – i.e. its position before random offset and displacement is applied.


This rotation stacks with the Rotation Disorder parameter.

Rotation Disorder


Applies a random amount of rotation to each vertex around its base position – i.e. its position before random offset and displacement is applied.


This rotation stacks with the Rotation parameter.

Height Input Multiplier


Adjusts the Z position of each vertex using the values sampled from the Height input.


This offset stacks with the Height Random parameter.

Height Random


Applies a random offset to the Z position of each vertex.

This offset stacks with the Height Input Multiplier parameter.

Blend Mode


Sets the method of blending the values of overlapping triangles.

The mode lets you effectively select which of the triangles should be visible:

  • Min: Text
  • Max: Text
  • Depth Test: Text
  • Alpha Blend: Text


Note: The available blending modes depend on the value of the Color Output parameter.

Color Source



Available when the 'Color Output' parameter is set to 'Per Vertex', 'Per Triangle' or 'Thin Line'.

Sets the method of acquiring the color – i.e., luminance – which should be assigned to the vertex, triangle or segment, depending on the selected Color Output mode:

  • Height: use the height of the vertex as luminance
  • Random: use a random luminance value
  • Color Input: use the value sampled from the Color Input input

Color Source Opacity



Available when the 'Color Output' parameter is set to 'Thin Line'.

Controls the override of the Line Color value with the values resulting from the selected Color Source.


Note: When this value is set to 1, the Line Color parameter has no impact.

Distance to Edge Thickness



Available when the 'Color Output' parameter is set to 'Distance to Edge'.

Sets the thickness of the distance gradient. A lower value results in a shorter gradient.

Line Color



Available when the 'Color Output' parameter is set to 'Thin Line'.

The luminance value of the segments.


Note: When the Color Source Opacity value is set to 1, this parameter has no impact.

Background Color



Available when the 'Color Output' parameter is set to 'Thin Line'.

The luminance value of the background visible between the segments.


Note: When the Blend Mode is set to Max, the background will override the segments where it is brighter, as expected.

Random Color Seed Mode



Available when the 'Color Output' parameter is set to 'Per Vertex', 'Per Triangle' or 'Thin Line' and the 'Color Source' parameter is set to 'Random'.

The method of acquiring the seed used in the pseudo-random color distribution:

  • Global Random Seed: inherit the seed from the node's graph
  • Manual Seed: use a custom discrete seed

Random Color Seed



Available when the 'Random Color Seed Mode' parameter is set to 'Manual Seed' and the 'Color Source' parameter is set to 'Random'.

The discrete seed value used in the pseudo-random color distribution.

Non Square Expansion


Enables compensation of squash and stretch with non-square ratios.

Example Images

Triangle Grid: Example 1

Triangle Grid: Example 2

Triangle Grid: Example 3

Triangle Grid: Example 4

Triangle Grid: Example 5

Triangle Grid: Example 6

Triangle Grid: Leather

Triangle Grid: Graph

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