- Interface
- Customizing your workspace
- Home screen
- Main toolbar
- Preferences
- Explorer
- Graph view
- Library
- Properties
- 2D view
- 3D view
- Dependency manager
- Resources
- Importing, linking and new resources
- Bitmap resource
- Vector graphics (SVG) resource
- 3D scene resource
- AxF (Appearance eXchange Format)
- Font resource
- Warnings from dependencies
- Substance graphs
- Substance graph key concepts
- Creating a Substance graph
- Instances and subgraphs
- Graph parameters
- Manage parameters
- 'Visible if' expressions
- Inheritance in Substance graphs
- Output size
- Values in Substance graphs
- Publishing Substance 3D asset files (SBSAR)
- Exporting bitmaps
- Exporting PSD files
- Sample Substance graphs
- Warnings in Substance graphs
- Substance function graphs
- What is a Substance function graph?
- Create and edit a Substance function
- The Substance function graph
- Variables
- FX-Maps
- How it works
- The Iterate node
- The Quadrant node
- Using Substance function graphs in FX-Maps
- Warnings in Substance function graphs
- Sample Substance function graphs
- Nodes reference for Substance function graphs
- Scripting
- Plugin basics
- Plugin search paths
- Plugins packages
- Plugin manager
- Python editor
- Accessing graphs and selections
- Nodes and properties
- Undo and redo
- Application callbacks
- Creating user interface elements
- Adding actions to the Explorer toolbar
- Using color management
- Using spot colors
- Logging
- Using threads
- Debugging plugins using Visual Studio Code
- Porting previous plugins
- Packaging plugins
- Scripting API reference
- Substance 3D home
- User guide
- Glossary
- Getting started
- Interface
- Customizing your workspace
- Home screen
- Main toolbar
- Preferences
- Explorer
- Graph view
- Library
- Properties
- 2D view
- 3D view
- Dependency manager
- Resources
- Importing, linking and new resources
- Bitmap resource
- Vector graphics (SVG) resource
- 3D scene resource
- AxF (Appearance eXchange Format)
- Font resource
- Warnings from dependencies
Substance function graphs
- Substance function graphs
- What is a Substance function graph?
- Create and edit a Substance function
- The Substance function graph
- Variables
- FX-Maps
- How it works
- The Iterate node
- The Quadrant node
- Using Substance function graphs in FX-Maps
- Warnings in Substance function graphs
- Sample Substance function graphs
- Nodes reference for Substance function graphs
- MDL graphs
- Bakers
- Best practices
- Pipeline and project configuration
- Color management
- Package metadata
- Scripting
- Plugin basics
- Plugin search paths
- Plugins packages
- Plugin manager
- Python editor
- Accessing graphs and selections
- Nodes and properties
- Undo and redo
- Application callbacks
- Creating user interface elements
- Adding actions to the Explorer toolbar
- Using color management
- Using spot colors
- Logging
- Using threads
- Debugging plugins using Visual Studio Code
- Porting previous plugins
- Packaging plugins
- Scripting API reference
- Technical issues
- Release notes
In: Spline & Path Tools > Path Tools
Applies a transformation on the vertices position of the input Paths.
- Edit the Per Vertex Function parameter function;
- Use a Get Float2 node the vertex.pos variable;
- Do some operations on this value (E.g., multiply it to scale the paths);
- Set the result of your computation as output.
You may use input images and sample them from the function. You must first connect an input to able to sample it from the function. (Be careful, first input is Image 1!)
You can also access the vertex.corner (bool) and path.id (float) variables.
For advanced users, the Paths Format Specification explains how the data of paths is encoded into color images, and provides tips for manipulating this data directly.
See also Paths Vertex Processor.
Input connectors
Paths Color
A list of encoded segments paths. Connect this input to the result of a Mask to Paths or to another Path-processing node.
Input # Color/Grayscale
Inputs for images that should be sampled in the Per Vertex Function parameter function.
Output connectors
Paths Color
The transformed Paths. You can either use Preview Paths to get an idea of what the result represents, use another Paths-processing node, or input it to a Paths to Spline to further process it as Splines.
Image Input Count Integer
The number of visible Input # input connectors to connect images that should be sampled in the Per Vertex Function parameter function.
Once you are done setting up all the desired samples, you can hide unused pins by reducing this parameter's value back to 0.
If you need more inputs, use the Paths Vertex Processor instead.
Per Vertex Function Float2
Function applied for each vertex. Must return the new vertex position.
See the Description section in this page for guidance.