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Technical issues | Substance 3D Designer

Technical issues

This page lets you find information about common technical issues users may experience while using Substance 3D Designer, arranged into categories.
In each of the listed pages, you can find troubleshooting steps for solving or mitigating these issues.

Report an issue

Designer includes ways of reporting crashes and bugs directly.

Please be descriptive!

Every crash and bug report that you send us will be reviewed by a member of the Designer team.

When reporting an issue, please include as many details and context you can, this makes it significantly easier and faster to understand the issue and find a solution for it.

If you have any feedback or suggestions for improving Designer, please let us know in our dedicated forum. The community can upvote suggestions and we track that information.

Crash report

When the application crashes, in most cases the Crash Report dialog is displayed.

You can let us know about the circumstances of the crash in the Description field so we can investigate it and hopefully fix it in a future Designer release.

Share a valid e-mail address so we can reach out to you if we need more details and/or can provide a workaround for the crash you experienced.

Crash report dialog

Click to enlarge


Crash reports include Designer's log file, preferences and project files by default. As such, some system and file paths may appear in these files.

The use of these files is strictly internal and limited to the scope of investigating the reported issue.

Bug report

You can report a bug at any time in Designer. In the main menu, go to Help > Report a bug... to open the Bug Report dialog.

You can let us know about the iisue in the Description field so we can investigate it and let you know about our findings.

Bug report dialog

Click to enlarge

Share a valid e-mail address so we can reach out to you if we need more details and/or can provide a workaround for the issue.

Check the Send additional information option to include Designer's log file, preferences and project files in your report.


Some system and file paths may appear in these additional files.

The use of these files is strictly internal and limited to the scope of investigating the reported issue.

Click the Attachment button to attach a file to your report to help us assess the issue more accurately. Feel free to include project files, screenshots, screen recordings or any other file you think is relevant to the issue.

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