import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
##Example Python script for changing Substance 3D Designer user preference file##
def SetConfigurationFile(p_ConfigPath):
#Check is the path passed as parameter exists.
# replace backslashes by forwardslahes to ensure consistency
p_ConfigPath = p_ConfigPath.replace("\", "/")
#get Local Appadata path from Environment variables, construct full path to user_preferences.xml and check if it exists.
m_AppDataPath = os.environ.get('LOCALAPPDATA')
if m_AppDataPath != None:
m_UserPrefsPath = os.path.join(m_AppDataPath, str("Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Designer/user_preferences.xml"))
#read XML elementtree from file, find correct element until we get to the actual line that defines the configurationfile path
m_PrefsTree = ElementTree.parse(m_UserPrefsPath)
m_PrefsRoot = m_PrefsTree.getroot()
m_PrefsElement = m_PrefsRoot.find("preferences")
if(m_PrefsElement != None):
m_ConfigElement = m_PrefsElement.find("configuration")
if(m_ConfigElement != None):
m_ConfigFileElement = m_ConfigElement.find("configurationfile")
if(m_ConfigFileElement != None):
#Check if path is already set, to avoid double work
if m_ConfigFileElement.text.replace("file:///","") == p_ConfigPath:
print "configurationfile is already set to desired path. Aborting."
#construct correctly formatted path, insert into elementtree
m_ConfigPath = str("file:///" + p_ConfigPath)
m_ConfigFileElement.text = m_ConfigPath
m_XMLString = str("<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>n") + ElementTree.tostring(m_PrefsRoot, 'utf-8')
m_File = open(m_UserPrefsPath,'w')
print "configuration file path succesfully changed!"
#if this flag was not set to false, we can assume something was missing or went wrong when walking through the XML
print("Error: malformed content in user_preferences.xml!")
print "Error: user_preferences.xml does not exist, try starting Substance 3D Designer first!"
print "Error: LocalAppData path returned None"
print "Error: Invalid Configuration File path!"
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
import os
##Example Python script for changing Substance 3D Designer user preference file##
def SetConfigurationFile(p_ConfigPath):
#Check is the path passed as parameter exists.
# replace backslashes by forwardslahes to ensure consistency
p_ConfigPath = p_ConfigPath.replace("\", "/")
#get Local Appadata path from Environment variables, construct full path to user_preferences.xml and check if it exists.
m_AppDataPath = os.environ.get('LOCALAPPDATA')
if m_AppDataPath != None:
m_UserPrefsPath = os.path.join(m_AppDataPath, str("Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Designer/user_preferences.xml"))
#read XML elementtree from file, find correct element until we get to the actual line that defines the configurationfile path
m_PrefsTree = ElementTree.parse(m_UserPrefsPath)
m_PrefsRoot = m_PrefsTree.getroot()
m_PrefsElement = m_PrefsRoot.find("preferences")
m_XMLError = True
if(m_PrefsElement != None):
m_ConfigElement = m_PrefsElement.find("configuration")
if(m_ConfigElement != None):
m_ConfigFileElement = m_ConfigElement.find("configurationfile")
if(m_ConfigFileElement != None):
m_XMLError = False
#Check if path is already set, to avoid double work
if m_ConfigFileElement.text.replace("file:///","") == p_ConfigPath:
print "configurationfile is already set to desired path. Aborting."
return True
#construct correctly formatted path, insert into elementtree
m_ConfigPath = str("file:///" + p_ConfigPath)
m_ConfigFileElement.text = m_ConfigPath
#Write to file
m_XMLString = str("<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>n") + ElementTree.tostring(m_PrefsRoot, 'utf-8')
m_File = open(m_UserPrefsPath,'w')
print "configuration file path succesfully changed!"
return True
if m_XMLError:
#if this flag was not set to false, we can assume something was missing or went wrong when walking through the XML
print("Error: malformed content in user_preferences.xml!")
return False
print "Error: user_preferences.xml does not exist, try starting Substance 3D Designer first!"
return False
print "Error: LocalAppData path returned None"
return False
print "Error: Invalid Configuration File path!"
return False