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Sample Substance graphs | Substance 3D Designer

Sample Substance graphs


This page lists sample Substance 3D Designer files available to download. These projects include annotated graphs which present fundamental tools and concepts of Substance graphs.


This project features a simple graph setup to be used as a filter in other graphs. Filters are nodes which modify and/or blend one or more input images.

Filters sample file icon

'Filters' sample


This project demonstrates the inheritance methods available in Substance graphs to propagate important image information such as resolution and bitdepth across nodes in a graph.

You can learn about inheritance in this page of our documentation.

Inheritance sample file icon

'Inheritance' sample

Pixel Processor

The Pixel processor node is one of the most complex yet powerful nodes in Designer, and understanding its workings unlocks a significant amount of power and flexibility in your graphs, which enables you to create more varied custom nodes.

This project demonstrates two simple uses cases for the Pixel processor: as a generator and a a filter. It is also a stepping stone to doing more with function graphs.

Pixel Processor sample file icon

'Pixel Processor' sample

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