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Graph parameters | Substance 3D Designer

Graph parameters

This page describes the standard parameters for the Substance graph.

A graph has several parameters that you can modify. You can find them by either clicking on empty space in the graph, or selecting the graph item in the Explorer panel. Parameters will be then displayed in the Parameters view.

In this page

Base parameters

Base parameters

The Base Parameters section includes parameters which have an impact on all the nodes it contains. Every node in this graph which have one or more Base Parameters set to Relative To Parent inheritance method will get their corresponding values from the graph's.


In most cases, inheritance plays a significant role in defining these values, and how these values changes throughout the graph. It is strongly recommended to acquire a good understanding of inheritance in Substance graphs before using these values.

Output Size

This parameter allows you to chose the base resolution of images in the graph. Read more about the Output Size.


Use the lock button to have the Height value match the Width value.

Default: (0,0) - Relative To Parent

Output Format

Allows to choose base bit depth in the graph, from these options:

  • 8 bit
  • 16 bit
  • HDR Low Precision 16F (16 bit floating point)
  • HDR High Precision 32F (32 bit floating point)

Default: 8 Bits per Channel - Relative To Parent

Pixel Size

Defines the pixel size. We recommend leaving both Width and Height values set to 1.

Default: (1,1) - Relative To Parent

Tiling Mode

Defines the base tiling mode in the graph from these options:

  • No Tiling
  • Horizontal Tiling
  • Vertical Tiling
  • H and V Tiling

Default: H and V Tiling - Relative To Parent

Random Seed

Defines the base random seed for the graph.


Use the button to assign a new random value to the random seed.

Default: 0 - Relative To Parent


The Attributes section contains metadata for the graph, which provides information for identifying, categorising and applying the graph as designed by its author.

Graph attributes


This is the name of the graph, and must be unique – you cannot have two or more graphs with the same Identifier in the same package. It is used as the graph's name in the Explorer panel.


The identifier cannot be an empty string. Empty strings are automatically replaced by _ or Substance_graph.
You can use only the following characters for this value: A-Z, 1-9, @$%[{]}_-. Unauthorised characters are automatically replaced by _.

Default: New_Graph, or set by user at graph creation


The Label is used instead of the Identifier to display the name of the graph for better readability in user facing scenarios – e.g. Library entry or instance node label.
A label can be not unique, and can contain special characters.


If you rename a graph – E.g., in the Explorer – you may also want to change its label!

Default: Empty


The Type is used to define the intended purpose of a Substance graph.

It is mainly intended for the 'Send' interoperability feature.

Physical Size

This value specifies the dimension of the texture in the physical world, in X (length), Y (width) and Z (height). It is therefore inherently related to the material which is produced in the graph.

The physical size can be used, for instance, to display the texture at its correct ratio in the 2D View and 3D View.


The physical size of a Substance graph can be retrieved as a Float3 value in Substance function graphs applied to any node in that graph, using the $physicalsize built-in variable.


The Z value is currently not taken into account in the 3D View. The Height Scale value for the material should therefore be set using an Output node set to the heightscale usage, or directly in the Material Properties.

Default: (0,0,0)


This area lets you define an icon which will be used by the Library to display this graph's entry, both as an SBS and an SBSAR. The icon is also used in other situations, such as Substance 3D Painter's Shelf.

The area offers the following options:

  • Browse: Lets you browse your system files for the existing image which should be used as an icon
  • Generate: This generates an icon using a built-in preset of the PBR Render node
  • Paste: Lets you paste the image data currently in the clipboard as an icon
  • Remove: This option removes the existing icon and leaves the icon slot empty

The Generate option uses the Physical Size to determine the PBR Render's Height Scale for its displacement effect.
If an Output node set to the physicalsize usage exists in the graph, this output is used. If no such output exists, the value from the graph's Attributes is used instead.
If the attribute's value is (0,0,0), then the preset value of 0.1 is used.


When no icon is defined, the first image output for the graph is used instead.

Default: Empty


The absolute filename for the Package this graph belongs to.

The Folder button can let you open a new system file browser window at this location.

Default: Package filename / Empty if package was never saved

Exposed in SBSAR

This controls whether the graph and its outputs can be viewed in the SBSAR file published from the graph's Package.

This is useful if some graphs in the package are only used as subgraphs for the main graph of the package, and should not appear in the SBSAR.

Default: Yes

Show in Library

Controls whether the graph should be visible in the Library, if the package is stored in a location which is watched by the Library.

Default: Set in the Library tab of the Project Settings


This is the description text of the graph.

It is visible in the tooltip for the graph entry in the Library, any Instance node for this graph, and software with an existing Substance Integration.

Default: Empty


You can this field to set a category for this graph item in the Library.

Default: Empty


You can use this field to put the name of the author.

Default: Empty

Author URL

This field lets you input an URL – e.g. the author's website.

Default: Empty


You can use this field to add your own tags, for improving the searchability and discoverability of the graph.

Default: Empty

User Data

You can use this field to add your own additional data. This is useful for custom integrations in third-party software. Substance 3D Painter and Sampler make use of this userdata to set certain specific behaviours.

Default: Empty

Input parameters

All the Input Parameters – which include exposed parameters – are managed, edited and previewed here. Presets can also be created for some or all parameters.

Input parameters


Read how to expose a parameter.


The Preview and Presets tabs are disabled when using in-context editing.


In this part, all the graph's Input nodes are listed.

You can reorder them by using drag and drop on the handle on the far left of each item.



In this part, all the graph's Output nodes.

You can reorder them by using drag and drop on the handle on the far left of each item.


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