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Levels | Substance 3D Designer


In: Atomic Nodes



The Level node allows you to remap the tones of an input by setting input and output remap factors, presented in an interface familiar from other 2D image editors.

Additionally it has a Histogram preview built into the parameters.

It is one of the core, most useful nodes in Substance 3D Designer, and is very often used to remap and adjust values in a graph, as it provides the most precise and accurate interface to changing values. While it is an important node, for some use cases the interface can be a bit cumbersome, so make sure to look into Auto Levels, Contrast/Luminosity and Histogram Scan for alternatives.


The Levels Node has two interface modes, you can switch between them with the rightmost button on the Specific Parameters bar:

Highlighted yellow button switches to Values Mode.

Highlighted yellow button switches to Histogram Mode.

  • Level In Low: 0-1
    Remaps input Low values to become full black.
  • Level In High: 0-1
    Remaps input High values to become full white.
  • Level In Mid: 0-1
    Remaps input Mid values to become mid gray.
  • Level Out Low: 0-1
    Clamps output Black values to set limit.
  • Level Out High: 0-1
    Clamps output White values to set limit.
  • Intermediary Clamp: Clamp, Passthru
    Clamps input HDR values between 0-1

Usage Guide

Levels Editor

The Levels Editor has two modes, as specified above. The Values mode presents numeric sliders and accurate type-ins, the Histogram mode presents tactile sliders and a Histogram preview.

The bar at the top presents a way to switch between modes, as well as two additional quick functions.

[Possible complex list / procedure encountered]

1: Invert Output.

Histogram Mode

The Histogram mode is intended for visual, quick adjustments where accurate values are not really needed, and exposing parameters is not of importance. It is generally the fastest and easiest way to work with Levels.

Depending on the input type, Color or Grayscale, you can use the dropdown above the Histogram to choose which channel you are modifying.

Values Mode

The Values Mode does away with any visual editor and presents only numerical sliders, useful mostly if you want to clamp or remap to very exact values, or if you intend to expose any of these parameters, as this is only possible in Values Mode.

The sliders change depending on a Color or Grayscale input: Color inputs create 4 Sliders for each RGBA channel separately, Grayscale only has a single slider, making it easier to work with. See above Parameter listing for an explanation on every slider.

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