Navigate to the Users or [Group] > Users in Group page.
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지원 및 문제 해결
Edit the group that a user is assigned to, or add multiple group memberships when Users in Multiple Groups is enabled.
Assigning users to a group or editing the current group membership
Administrators can readily adjust a user's profile to update the group (or groups) that the user is assigned to.
Accounts with only one group (individual and team-licensed accounts) select a group using a dropdown in the user profile. Enterprise accounts that don't have Users in Multiple Groups (UMG) enabled will use the same interface, as only one group can be applied to the user.
The process to add a user is slightly different between account and group administrators due to the nature of their access to users.
Adding users through the user profile with Users in Multiple Groups enabled
Account-level admins have the authority to add as many groups to a user as they require.
Group-level admins have the authority to allow or disallow a user's membership to each group they administer. Since UMG allows a user to have a membership in many groups, there is no authority conflict for a group admin to remove the user from a group, so all users are available.
The user must be exposed to the admin through user creation or Admin Console entitlement for the user to be visible in the list of users.
To add group membership:
Double-click the user to open the user profile.
Select the plus icon to the right of the Group Membership header.
- The Add Group Membership dialogue box opens.
Select the group you want to add the user to.
- Only the groups the admin is an administrator of are selectable.
Select Add.
- Repeat the process for all groups to be added.
Users newly placed into a group will expose two authority values:
- Group Admin - Does the userID have group-level administrative authority?
- False by default.
- Can Send - Does the userID have the authority to access templates/workflows and send agreements under the group's property profile?
- True by default.
Check or uncheck the values per group as necessary.
참고:Group-level admins do not have the authority to edit the primary group for a userID unless they have administrative authority in both the original primary group and the new group.
- Group Admin - Does the userID have group-level administrative authority?
Save the profile when done.
Adding a user as an account-level administrator using the user's profile (When only one group is permitted)
Accounts that only allow one group per user are limited by the following rules:
- Account administrators can edit any user in the account.
- Group administrators can only add users to their group from the Default group
- Group administrators don't have the authority to remove a user from their group.
To edit a users group assignment:
Log in as an account administrator.
Navigate to the Users tab.
Account admins have a view of all users, so this list can be quite large. Use the search field to search for a specific email address if the user isn't readily apparent.
Select the user to expose the action options at the top of the user list.
Select Edit User Details to open the user's profile.
Select a group for the user from the User Group: dropdown menu.
Save the profile. Your view will refresh to show the user list with the user's group updated.
Log in as an administrator.
Navigate to the Group or My User Group > Users In Group.
As this is a view of the users in the context of the group, only the users already in the group are visible.
Select the Assign Users to Group icon to open the queue of users that can be added.
Select the user to expose the available actions, and click Select User.
Multiple users can be selected. All selected users are added to the Selected Users box at the bottom of the panel.
Authority limits in accounts with one group per user:
- Group-level administrators can only add users from the Default group (if the account settings permit it), as group-level administrators don't have the system authority to pull users out of other groups.
- Account-level administrators see all users not currently in the group. Assigning any user to a group will remove them from their current group.
Authority in accounts with multiple groups per user:
- Group-level admins have the authority to add all users (if the account settings permit it), as there is no authority conflict insofar as removing a user from their previous group.
- Account-level admins can add any user to any group without impacting their membership in other groups.
참고:The Group assignment removes a user from the default group if their primary setting (Global Settings > Users in Multiple Groups) provides for automating the reassignment of the primary group for users with the Default group designated as their primary group.
When a user with their primary group defined as the Default group is assigned to any other group through the group interface, that user is removed from the Default group, and the group they are assigned to becomes their primary group automatically.
This only happens when the user is assigned to a group through the group interface. Assigning a user to a new group through the user profile does not trigger this update.
Assign the user selected to the group. Your view will refresh to show the user list with the user's group updated.
How to delete a group membership
To remove a user from group membership:
Navigate to [Group] > Users in Group page.
Double-click the user to open the user profile.
Select the group you want to remove to expose the Delete Group Membership action.
Select the Remove link.
- Repeat for any additional memberships to be removed.
참고:If a user has their group membership revoked for all groups:
- The userID is deposited in the Default group.
- The primary group for the user is set to the Default group.
Save the user profile.